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Mine wants to refresh everything CONSTANTLY. I can't check my text messages without it refreshing everything, which takes a good 5 seconds or so. I'll go to check a text message that just came in, and it'll refresh the list, and then i'll look at it, and then I'll press home, and then about 10 seconds later, I can finally see my icons on my screen. Then, I'll go to the browser, and it'll reload a page but it won't refresh it. It just wants to reload it. Not show the new stuff, just reload it, which takes a good 5 seconds. So if I want to multitask on m y phone at all (look at a website, oh wait! I have a text! Let me check that! Then I'll go back to that website! Oh, I lost it. Force close. Again), I am screwed. Jared is having the same problem. Recently, his phone erased everything. his call log, his phone book, his texts, his browser history, everything.


But we can't have anything donea bout it but get sent a new phone. We're thinking of just getting them to send us a new phone every couple of weeks and then maybe they'll realize there's a friggen problem with this stupid ass phone.

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Wow. Yeah, mine has gotten steadily worse. I'll go to write L a email and it will freeze for like a minute or so, not do anything. When I'm on ENA trying to read threads it wants to pull to the left so I can't see the entire thing being said. It will drop calls - I have always sucked at answering the calls on this phone - my signal at work is HORRID - and everything just freezes or force closes. It's a pain.


I would. You have Verizon don't you? Isn't there a clause in your contract that says if you replace the phone x amount of times they MUST give you a different type of phone? That happened with my first one.. I replaced it like 7 times and I went in to do it again and they just gave me a different phone - free of charge.


And let's not forgett he battery life... I really want the Iphone but I can wait it out for a few months until one of the upgrades covers it completey.

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We've only had this phone since June...we're not eligible till 2012 for an upgrade.


The thing that pisses me off the most with this phone is the answering/hanging up thing...why do I have to SLIDE my finger to answer a call but I just have to tap anywhere on the friggen screen to hang up? Do you know how often I hang up on people solely b/c my cheek touches something? That's embarrassing and looks really bad if you're trying to talk to someone important. Why wouldn't the phone lock while you're on it? And why in the hell woudl I just have to tap to hang up? Wouldn't that mean it could hang up easily? OH WAIT! IT DOES! Oh sure, it "turns off" when you have teh phone up to your ear, but if you do anything at all, it lights back up and you can touch anytihng when you don't mean to.


F this Droid.

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I hate answering mine. It gives me the option to slide down sometimes to answer - well, it doesn't always work. I'm sliding and sliding and it won't answer. Then it ends the call because I didn't pick up. F. And if the call drops and someone calls back it won't always give me an option to answer - it'll ring but be a black screen >.


Yes. I am very much looking forward to owning L's iphone when I move over.

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I love that I can do so much with it...look at PDF's, upload pics right to Photobucket, check out GoogleDocs beautifully, check out Word docs, etc, but as a basic phone, it sucks. It IS a mini computer for your pocket, but if it has to think too hard, it gets anxious and refuses to work.

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^It is the most awesome show of all time. No lie.



So, L bought me an Ipad today. It's my birthday/Christmas present. We won't be doing anything for Christmas - due to the wonderful cost of the visa - so I guess we decided to do something before hand while we could. I bought his birthday present yesterday for him - a personalized laptop cover for his new Macbook Pro that has what even I will call an awesome shot of an airplane on it. I know - airplane. lol. I think closer to time I'll get him another one of his model airplanes as his Christmas present so he can take it back with him along with the Concord one I have here.

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