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Yeah, that's it. I do it for 15 at the moment and the treadmil for 30.


The only problem I have with eating specific foods is my mom buys cheap foods at a bulk, there is almost never any extra room in the fridge or freezer. :s I need to look into foods that are high protein though. Do Slimfasts count as protein?

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Ah, I see.


I thought 145 was pretty good for me. I don't think I had a whole lot of muscle everywhere (my upperbody strength is horrible, it's all in my legs) but it seemed to work for me. I went skiing really often and it was fun. I wasn't as thin as many of the other girls but I didn't care.

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Breakfast - 2 packs of instant grits (It shams me as a Southerner to write that but when I don't have time to make them from scratch, the instant does), and a glass of whole milk


Lunch - Chicken Margherita Lean Cuisine Steamer (not the best)

Glass of water (SUPER proud about this!!!)


Snack - Whole grain cheddar cheese crackers w/ another glass of milk


Dinner - two hot dogs

Less than a handful of fries

Glass of Pepsi


I also had another glass of water through the day so 3 glasses of water and 1 soda. Wooohoo! And I stopped myself from having that third hot dog. Oh, I was talking myself into it sitting there on the couch but I didn't.


Sadly I haven't been to the gym this week. I have been sick and I started my period - I hate working out on my period - but I'm going tomorrow morning just so I can at least have one day at the gym this week - my work out weeks run from Sat-Sat.

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Yeah, I don't blame you not going to the gym while on your period. I tend to avoid it until about 2 days after mine starts.


The day looks pretty good. You're doing well! My only thing is that you may want to consider meals in the morning that contain more protein. Grits are just pure starch. Having some more protein in breakfast does several things: better stabilizes your blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full for longer. That means you'll be less tempted at lunch.

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Yeah, I slept in til like noon today and really didn't have time to make something, which is they instant grits were whipped up. that second glass of milk should read water though.


I had a horribel dream last night. I KNEW I shouldn't have went to that viewing because ever since death has been at the fore front of my mind. Last night it decided to invade my dreams. I dreamed my mom died of a heart attack and that one minute I was emailing L and the next minute someone had emailed me saying he had died. You know how you get a feeling so intense in your dream you wake up with it? I had it. I made L email me right then to make sure he was okay.

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The important thing is that you are healthy and like your body. I have weighed from 89lbs to 146lbs as an adult and I don't like my body at any weight. I have suffered from eating disorders for as long as I can remember...so for now I just am striving for healthy and I'm hoping body acceptance will come "eventually."

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I had a horrible death related violent nightmare last night too - but those are relatively common for me. Still awful when you wake up remembering though..


You know slim fasts still contain a lot of calories in the .. I mean 180 cals is almost as much as a mars bar. You have to wonder whether the protein is worth it. Wouldnt you be better off with a tuna sandwich?

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Slim fast and those supplements are just a money pit. It's a placebo effect.


We all had bad nights I guess! I had this sad dream where I was younger, my friends and I were hanging out at my house and for whatever reason, we all decided to meet up at one of the friends' houses later on. I headed there immediately with our (vodka?) and waited and waited, and they never showed up. They finally showed up at 3 am and I was very drunk and very angry... they had gone off to some other party and not let me know. I was super upset in the dream, just felt totally abandoned. It was the dumbest dream ever, but I woke up feeling emotionally worn down. I have no idea why I am still dreaming of old friends from several years ago!

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Yeah.. they can be really emotionally exhausting when you not only wake up "remembering" them - but also when you are perhaps not 100% unconscious/asleep during the dream.. I don't know if that makes sense but sometimes I wake up with a vague recollection that I had a dream and what was involved.. sometimes I feel like I'm actually living the dream and even when I wake up I'm not instantly aware that it was just a dream. Sometimes (and this is extremely rare but it has happened twice), I know I'm dreaming in the dream. Er.. unless knowing it was just part of the dream


You know friends can really hurt you.. even when many years ago. I still have sore feelings about some of mine. And I really should be over it by now.

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I think it's because as an adolescent, friends replace family in a sense. You see your friends all day at school, hang out on weekends and/or after school, talk constantly on the phone or on IM, and then after one silly fight you realize that it's over because everything was frivolous and shallow, and you never learned conflict resolution. A lot of teens don't ever learn this. A lot of adults don't either. I was much more hurt by being abandoned by friends than I was by my mother... so strange.

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Exactly!! They do resemble family and in a way they are more important (or have a special kind of importance) because you bond with them most during that time in your life when it feels like your parents really don't understand you one bit. So it can feel like they are the only "real" thing you have in life. And its so true.. you grow up and suddenly one fight and its over.


Is it because you don't learn conflict resolution skills? I wish I could think that was why. It's the "why" of it that continues to haunt me. Why was I not important enough to you - for you to do something to save the friendship? I was, so why weren't you? Is it because I wasn't worth it to you? Those are the questions that go through my mind making it really hard to get over the hurt feelings.


I didn't know your mother left you - that must have been really hard I'm really sorry to hear that. Is that some part of why you long for kids of your own so much, do you think?

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She didn't leave me, I left, but she checked out emotionally long before that. I needed to get away, and she wouldn't let me come home. She doesn't have conflict resolution skills and so I hadn't learned any either, and we didn't know how to solve our issues. We have a decent relationship now, we're friendly, but it took several years and we have never even been able to talk about the past. I think when you're a teen and guys get in the way, friendships can very easily crumble. Then again, with my ex best friend, as I grew up I started to notice how spoiled and selfish she really was, and NEITHER of us knew how to argue. All it took was one fight. I can't even remember how the fight started...something about prom. Grade 12 for me just really sucked and I'll leave it there.


I want kids because I love watching people grow and come into their own. I'm sure my mom issues are part of it, because I definitely want a daughter with whom Alex and I can foster a great relationship with. My mother's side of the family is just weird... everyone has gone their separate ways, chosen favourites. Alex's sister and I really want all of our children to be close. I don't even know any of my cousins on the maternal side anymore and at this point, we're grown, it's too late, but the next generation can be different. Alex and I both had kind of tense upbringings with emotionally disconnected parents. I know that no one is perfect and parents are people too, but we are really aiming for a close-knit family and extended family. It's strange, I don't long for children these days because I know that I am still too selfish, and we are enjoying our time together as a twosome so very much. I feel great about us being childless for another 5 years because I want us to be the best parents we can be and to be able to raise a happy, stable family. Nothing's guaranteed, but a solid foundation sure helps.

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I completely agree.. and once they are here they can't be un-here so there really is a lot to say for enjoying your limited years together where you are young and child-free. Especially if for whatever financial or other reason that is also the sensible option. While I'm becoming a lot more positive about having kids.. as time goes by I also feel sad that our days of "just us two - do whatever we want" are leaving us one by one.

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