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Oh there is this one pic of me and C... I do look like a beached whale. But I feel better about it today, mostly due to L pep talking me through it. I guess I just want it to all be gone tomorrow and it's not going to happen. I have done well on my portion intake - eating healthy kind of sort of but right now I'm just concentrating on how much bad stuff I intake in general. Soda... yeah, still working on that. But I'm down to 2-3 cups a day compared to 8-9.

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I don't blame you not having alcohol. I wouldn't want an open bar at mine. Mostly for me...I have a love for hard liquor but I'm such a lightweight. If there were an open bar, I could see MYSELF getting sloshed, embarrassing myself, etc. B would not be happy...he doesn't really drink.


I've heard people complain about weddings because there wasn't any alcohol but I'm like "oh c'mon. Are you there to booze up or see your friend(s) get married?" If I had a good friend, I wouldn't care WHAT was there. The cake could taste like crap and I'd still be happy because I'd want to see her/him happy on their big day. That's all that matters to me.


Your family may b**ch about the distance but in the end, they love and they will show up, rain or shine. So I wouldn't worry too much.

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Oh there is this one pic of me and C... I do look like a beached whale. But I feel better about it today, mostly due to L pep talking me through it. I guess I just want it to all be gone tomorrow and it's not going to happen. I have done well on my portion intake - eating healthy kind of sort of but right now I'm just concentrating on how much bad stuff I intake in general. Soda... yeah, still working on that. But I'm down to 2-3 cups a day compared to 8-9.


Oh now I've seen your pics and you look great. I don't want to hear anything about you looking bad because it's not true.


Good job on the soda, btw. It's a tough habit to kick. I'm glad I never really got into drinking soda because it would be so hard to cut out of my diet.

I am addicted to coffee though.

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BG- yeah, CS is L now. I was calling him L on our blog and I kept getting the two mixed up, calling him L here and CS there, so he told me I could just go to L now. haha. He said it would cause some confusion.


What really upset me about it Fudgie is everyone drove an hour OUT OF STATE to my sister's wedding. I'm asking them to drive an hour IN STATE. Apparently it's not the same though. 0.o Yeah, if we were having a big like 200 guest wedding I may allow some alcohol - as in, beer and strawberry daqs for me - but it would never be an open bar, all night long thing. Never. I'm a firm believer you don't have to get drunk to enjoy a wedding, it should be about seeing your friends get married, not the free food and beer.

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Oh now I've seen your pics and you look great. I don't want to hear anything about you looking bad because it's not true.


Good job on the soda, btw. It's a tough habit to kick. I'm glad I never really got into drinking soda because it would be so hard to cut out of my diet.

I am addicted to coffee though.


Awwww. I don't know.. it was just an off night. There is one of me and C were she's eating her cake... yeah. I think it has to do with me starting my period today, the reason I was in such a bad mood last night. And I have a head ache right now. >.


Oh Girl me too.. soda and coffee. I will not give up coffee. Ever. L and I have discussed on Christmas morning when we get the kids up to pen presents, he's having a cup of tea and I'm having coffee.

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Hahaha that's what I'm here for.


Summertime. I'm almost at my goal weight (needed to lose weight for the insurance company). I've passed the nutritionist evaluation as well as the psych evalution. My dad is getting my PCP to write me a letter of support so basically, once I lose the weight, insurance will approve me and I'm off to the O.R. sometime this summer. I'll only have to spend a few days in the hospital, thank goodness.


I'm done being scared about it. Nervous, sure, but not scared. I plan to just volunteer in hospice more, build some research databases for my dad, maybe get a part time job, and just sort of take it easy while I heal.

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I do think it would be great if it were available to more people. I'm lucky that my insurance company sees the value of them and thus, their requirements aren't that bad.

Of course, it's not an easy fix. I won't be able to eat big meals again and I won't be able to drink for 6 months afterward (which will mildly stink but I'm fine with it)....but for people like me, it's a chance to get healthy and most importantly, STAY that way.


My father says he believes the surgery is a lot safer than the weight loss drugs. He says they have been doing roux en y's (my surgery) for over 60 years on patients and most do very well. I've seen the data. The drugs make me so nervous because they are already so expensive to develop and have lots of complications. Several weight loss drugs have killed people before. As long as I have a good doctor to do my surgery and I follow the post-op stuff well, I can't see what will go wrong (aside from freak flukes).


I am just so ready to get healthy, get off some meds that I won't need anymore, and basically feel better about my body.

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M- my best friend - did the weight loss pill. It worked. She was a little smaller than me - she weighed 180 I suppose - and I believe weighs 130 now. BUT in losing the weight that way it drastically shrunk her bum and boobs. No lie, she had a bigger bum than I do and now, she barely has anything. I was worried about her there for a while. And I think as much as I love her, being around her when she's super skinny and I'm still big kind of puts me off guard... I'm use to her being my size and now... yeah.

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Yeah, I don't want to lose all of my breasts and butt. I had large breasts long before I was overweight though...seems to run in the family. I'm not too worried about that bit.


130 is pretty thin! I'd love to be around 145 or so. Mostly I just want to be healthy again. Oh, and it would be nice to go out in public to go swimming and wear a swimsuit and not worry.

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Honestly, that didn't happen for me.


A couple years ago, I had time so I hit the gym everyday (this was during the summer) for about 1 hour each and I got my calories down to 1200/day. It was pretty brutal. But I ended up going down to about 180.


The parts that "decreased" the most were my thighs and stomach. The stomach fat was first to go. My boob size didn't go down in the least and the SAME bras still fit me. My but tightened up a lot and shrunk in size too, but my breasts? Nothing. I was still a D/DD (like I am now) and that's been consistent through the years.


I think a big part was maybe that I was only doing cardio. I did virtually nothing with my upperbody. My upper arms decreased but were by no means "tight".

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How tall are you girls? I'm barely 5'2. I like to say 5'2 but I think I'm close to 5'1 and 1/2


I'm 5'7''. I stopped growing when I was about 16.


My mom was like 125 when she was my age (she is about 5'5'') but I think I would do better with 145, especially given that I've always had a huge bust.

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How tall are you girls? I'm barely 5'2. I like to say 5'2 but I think I'm close to 5'1 and 1/2

I'm 5'4


Honestly, that didn't happen for me.


A couple years ago, I had time so I hit the gym everyday (this was during the summer) for about 1 hour each and I got my calories down to 1200/day. It was pretty brutal. But I ended up going down to about 180.


The parts that "decreased" the most were my thighs and stomach. The stomach fat was first to go. My boob size didn't go down in the least and the SAME bras still fit me. My but tightened up a lot and shrunk in size too, but my breasts? Nothing. I was still a D/DD (like I am now) and that's been consistent through the years.


I think a big part was maybe that I was only doing cardio. I did virtually nothing with my upperbody. My upper arms decreased but were by no means "tight".


What kinds of exercises did you do Fudgie? I want to lose it in my stomach because that's were ALL my weight is - aside from my face. There isn't anyone at the gym to just show you what you should do to lose weight in a certain area...


I have always been big boobed but when I gained weight I did gaine some more in the boobs. I know when I lose I'll lose some of what I have but I"ll still be a C - probably the lower end though.

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Lol, But I'm tiny. I'm barely 5'2. It seems like I'm being dramatic about my weight but ALL of my friends who knows me since I was a little girl know I gained weight. I used to be the girl with the perfect body... now I'm just the tiny girl with a big butt and boobs. I was blessed with a good body, it's a shame to lose that asset...

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What kinds of exercises did you do Fudgie? I want to lose it in my stomach because that's were ALL my weight is - aside from my face. There isn't anyone at the gym to just show you what you should do to lose weight in a certain area...


I have always been big boobed but when I gained weight I did gaine some more in the boobs. I know when I lose I'll lose some of what I have but I"ll still be a C - probably the lower end though.


I mostly just RAN, outside...inside. Didn't matter. I also had a very high-protein diet.


My weight gain is weird due to my hormonal condition though. I have a relatively slim face. I've seen people who weigh as much as I do (well, was 240 but down to 230...need to lose 4 more pounds) and their faces are bigger. My hormonal condition is such that I gain weight like a guy. It doesn't really go anywhere except my belly, upper arms, and upper thighs. My breasts have stayed largely the same...heh heh "largely"...I made a punny.


I think intense cardio and cutting out carbs is KEY. I already eat a pretty low-carb diet because since I started a few years ago, that's what I'm used to. When you stay away from carbs for a while, you stop craving them.


I just definitely know that when I've lost weight, the FIRST place I notice it gone is my stomach. Always. I can feel it in my pants and when I feel my body when I'm laying on my side. I really think cardio and low carb is the way to go, as well as calorie restriction.


Once I get done with this surgery, I won't be able to eat many carbs again (they can make you sick/vomit if you eat them after surgery) but that's okay because as long as I have my INDIAN FOOD (no rice) and curry on everything, I will be fine.


EDIT: forgot to mention, I'm a sit-up freak. That may be a big reason why. I can't do push ups but I'm great at sit-ups.

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Elliptical? That's really good as well. My gym sort of has crappy ellipticals so I don't use them, I just run.


I really suggest a high protein diet. Lots of beans, lean meats, fish, salads, etc. And the occasional small handful of nuts. Even give up bread for a while too. I think you may feel a lot better. I know I did once I dropped most carbs from my diet.

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