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It is so wrong. It's much cheaper for me to go buy a Big Mac then eat healthy for a few days. And people wonder why we are an obese country... I feel a lot better since I have been watching my portion controls. I haven't been eating something huge and then 30 mins later going and getting something else to eat. I space my meals apart during the day.


Same here! Today I had 2 pieces of toast for breakfast (instead of the typical 4-6 pieces), 3 pieces of Bacon at work with a little Dr. Pepper (seriously the tastiest breakfast ever ad bad as it sounds but I'm a sucker for fresh Bacon), a small salad with nonfat honey mustard with some unsweetened tea for lunch, and then an order of broccoli for dinner. I did just eat a couple handfuls of peanuts before crawling into bed though.


Still though, this is a lot less than what I normally eat. I haven't snacked on chips or fries at work at all in the last two days. Lapsed a little today but still very happy with my choices for the day. A lot.

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Same here! Today I had 2 pieces of toast for breakfast (instead of the typical 4-6 pieces), 3 pieces of Bacon at work with a little Dr. Pepper (seriously the tastiest breakfast ever ad bad as it sounds but I'm a sucker for fresh Bacon), a small salad with nonfat honey mustard with some unsweetened tea for lunch, and then an order of broccoli for dinner. I did just eat a couple handfuls of peanuts before crawling into bed though.


Still though, this is a lot less than what I normally eat. I haven't snacked on chips or fries at work at all in the last two days. Lapsed a little today but still very happy with my choices for the day. A lot.


That's awesome Hers!!!! I started getting sick today so my eating hasn't bee TOO bad. I had some chicken noodle soup for breakfast - mostly for the broth - because my throat hurt. Then I had a honey bun for a snack at work - I was leaving at six so I didn't bring anything to eat- and I DID grab a Subway roast beef sub, footlong, with mayo, cheese, and chiptole sauce on it but I wnated SOMETHING big, I didn't want to end the day on like 1,000 calories. I think I have had 2 glasses of soda. Better than the 10 I usually do and I have had about 3 glasses of water.

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Whew! Back after a loooong day! It felt so good to see my girls again. I'm always paranoid that because I live an hour away now C - my niece - won't remember me whenever I visit. It's really a sad thought. But then I walked through the front door of M's house today and C ran straight to me and hugged me. Best feeling in the world for an Aunt to be remembered even when you aren't always seen. C opened her gift from me before we went to dinner - since it was chucking it down outside - and she loved it. So while M took a shower and C took a nap, Aunt OG blew up her little ball pen by mouth. For two solid hours.


I was determind to see my niece play in my present I bought her, hahaha


So then we got the little girl ready - took some pictures in which C kept pinching the every loving day light out of me - and then headed to pick up her cake. It was THE cutest cake! It was one of those pull apart cakes, that is made of cup cakes, and was The Little Mermaid themed. Adorable. Then we went to dinner at this Southern style place - awesome food. Took loads of pics, ate cake with the little girl...


M was upset that one relative couldn't come - and by choice - and then another relative upset her so she wasn't in the best of moods. She came out of no were and was like 'You're going to be all by yourself over in England. No family, no friends... no one is going to be there when you have kids or for the parties. You are 1000's of miles away from family and friends' but five minutes later she apologized, said she was in a bad mood, and said that I knew she would support me no matter what - which I know she will. I don't expect it to be easy for her with her best friend moving 4,000 miles away but we do have facebook, email, skype, and webcam to stay in touch. Won't be the same but our friendship won't end just because of it.


Then we got back to M's house and I set up M's gift to C - this huge Princess like house with a tunnel attached to it. God invented aunts to put complicated toys together for their nieces, lol. But I got it together and M and I even crawled in and played with her - me getting in was, ah, fun, to say the least. We made plans for us to hang out again soon - maybe me even stay a weekend or something. I may see about getting my weekends off switched around so we have the same weekend off, would make life much easier in seeing each other.


So that's my day! My little niece turned two today.

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og - i think that it will be hard in england, but you will have L. but you'll also have to make a real effort to meet new people, develop a social circle, etc.... maybe join a moms group. it won't be easy but it will be worth it. it's always hard starting over.

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Yeah, and I think one of the reasons I know M and mine's friendship will make it is we have that bond. We'll make other 'best friends' in each country but for the rest of my life, that's my bestie. She's more like a sister than anything. And I know it will be hard for her - and for me - but I can't live my life centered around who I'm leaving behind. Before she had C all she talked about was getting out of our small, Southern town. But yeah, L is def going to push me to make friends since I already don't get out enough, I know he's worried about that.

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when i moved to where i live, i was intensely lonely for a while. Cynder (from here) recommended i try myspace, and i met some people that way, and looked around for local groups to join. i went to several different groups and events and such and finally got a huge circle of friends in the bellydance community. i now have plenty of friends and events to go to. there are men involved in it too - as drummers, photographers, and bellydads (husbands of the bellydancers, lol). a few male bellydancers as well.


so, just look around, try out different groups, see what you like. you'll meet some good people.

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well, i didn't become overnight friends with these people either. i don't think having acquaintances is bad either. people you see once in a while, hang out with, etc... i met these people in dance class. first we would just have class together, then chat together after class - which eventually turned into practicing together, hanging out together, sewing together, etc.... some have turned into friendships over time. maybe when you get to england, you can join a dance class as well? bellydancers are fun people.

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I have heard that pole dancing classes can actually help you lose weight. I may look into that. My future sister in law is doing htem.


i hear it's really hard!!! (that's what she said, LOL!!!!) sorry. i watch too much of the office....


bellydancing is great because anyone can do it - no matter your size or shape.

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i hear it's really hard!!! (that's what she said, LOL!!!!) sorry. i watch too much of the office....


bellydancing is great because anyone can do it - no matter your size or shape.


Oh.my.God I love the office! C's present actually had balls in it - like the area at McDonalds were the kids jump into it - and I said to M, "These sure are a lot of balls' and then said, 'that's what she said' and cracked her up.


I'd def be willing to try pole dancing. Bring some ah, new movies into the bedroom. ;p

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Hi OG! Not sure what area of the UK you're going to live in but I've moved around a lot and made a ton of friends through toddler groups and training courses, it is scary being somewhere new and not knowing anyone but there are plenty of groups and clubs up and down the uk like craft type ones. I'm sure you'll be fine!

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The picture you posted? Are you serious? You look great! I was wondering what picture you were talking about! Was reading your blog - I think you should just lay down the law a bit here. I mean I'm all for being a bit relaxed as a bride so noone gets their nickers in a knot but I would draw the line no problem with anyone daring to cross out + 2 and add in + 5 on an invite!!! You can't just invite additional people without asking when there is a cost to that!!!


Also - personalyl I would have no trouble travelling an hour to a wedding destination. No problems at all. Do people really kick up a stink about such things?

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I don't think driving an hour to a wedding is that bad. I would just give people a place to rest (wait for the alcohol to wear off) before driving, and make sure that it doesn't go too late at night so driving would be an issue for some.


I probably wouldn't drive an hour to a wedding of a person who I didn't really know well or care much about but I would drive 3+ hours for a wedding of a good friend, yes.


When/if I get married (far future), I may put down that I permit each invited person to bring ONE (1) guest. Just to eliminate ambiguities.

My wedding invitations would look like crap, haha. I'd be putting all this info on it "No open bar, please don't bring alcohol, intoxicated people not permitted, no kids under the age of 18 NO EXCEPTIONS, no gifts, please bring cameras because I'm too cheap to hire a photographer..." lol


Maybe some would find that "tacky" but I find it practical. Ambiguities can be a pain and it's good to eliminate them ASAP and make them known.

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Circe- Most of what I vented about in my blog was actually the problems of a fellow ENA member whose getting married next month, Hers. I haven't sent invitations out yet - or even save the dates - yikes! - and I know one of her guests did the marking out of the 2 and adding their own number. But the hour drive is mine. We were looking at some other places - which any gorgeous place for a wedding venue is not in my hometown, it's about an hour away - and my mom complained about asking my guests, aka my family, to drive that far. Said I was inconvincing them and how were they going to know were it's at? 0.o That's why God invented Mapquest!


In the end L told me to book the house - the one that's convienent for everyone - because neither one of us wants a 'Gatlinburg' argument again. I wonder what she would do if we wanted to get married at the beach....


There isn't any alcohol at our wedding. The people who own the historic down't allow it and even if they did, I don't want it there. People don't need to get drunk to enjoy my wedding. I don't mind the 11 or 12 kids that will be there - I'm tempted to buy even the 8 year olds sippy cups so I can get my deposit back, ha - but alcohol I do. So we are going with the house and making the best of it we can and pray for gorgeous weather to have our outside wedding ceremony.



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OG - Every women feels like a beached whale at times. I feel the same whale right now specially because I spent the weekend with my little sister who has a Victoria Secret Model's-esque body. No kidding. Oh well. We just got to have determination and workout. I really relapsed on my soda intake.

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