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Oh I like those!


Just after Tom's brother got married we went to a market and bought these glass coasters. Tom's brother and wife bought Mr. and Mrs. ones (day after they got married). They remind me of those!

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Oh wow - very nice chair plate thingys! What a cute idea.. and its all in line with your colour theme, I see!


I'm so sorry about your loss - totally agree about viewings. My grandfather had one and I hated it - he looked bloated and awful. And my H's dad had one too and seriously - somebody started to question if it was a different body because it looked that different.


I've made it clear I want a cremation and have asked him what he wants (its important to know - imagine having no clue when you need to make a decision) and he said cremation - which surprised me because he made the call for deciding what happened to his dad and he picked a burial because he couldnt bring himself to "interfere" with the body - but I'm so glad he doesn't want a burial for himself.


Its lovely to have the grave stone and stuff but you can do that for a cremation.


The only thing is - I wanted to have my ashes thrown into sea. He hates that idea. He wants our ashes to sit in separate urns next to each other - so thats how its going to be

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Thanks everyone!


Work wasn't too bad today. 9 surgical rooms to clean and I had 2 extra people tonight - woohoo! So not too bad. My next day off is Wednesday and I have to go for my niece's 2nd birthday - can't believe she is turning TWO!!!!!! And then I probably won't be off until the following Wednesday. Aye.

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Oh yes, it greatly raises it. I'm a housekeeper so I go all over the place and am not seperated from those areas. We have protective gear for when there is a flu bug - like face mask - and we always use gloves and hand sanitizer but no, it def. raises my chances. Especially when inconsiderate co workers come in and sneeze on everything.

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I thought maybe if you're in a surgical area you're separated from the areas that bring in more people. Ugh that sucks! I'm a firm believer if you're sick stay home so others don't! They should have a law for employers to force employees to go home if they're obviously sick.

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When I"m cleaning rooms yeah but I have to grab trash here and there - I literally go every were. I'm with you on that. The only reason I'm going in today is she has to have someone there from 2-6 and the other girl is alreayd working this mornign so I wasn't going to put my boss in the bind. Glad I"m off tomorrow though, although I have to drive to my niece's birthday dinner. Ugh.

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My boss let me go home at 6 when the second person arrived - woohoo! I'm technically only losing 2 hours since I worked 2 extra hours last week. I feel like crap as well. I can breath some what but it's mostly the pressure that is building in my head. Ugh.


I really don't want to drive an hour tomorrow but I know how my best friend is and I haven't seen her - and my niece - in a long time.

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I'm taking nasal decongestion every 4 hours as the box directs and I have doubled my vitamin c and have been drinking loads of water. Hoping it helps. I'm getting those shrap chest pains again - I can see L's eyes popping out of his head when he reads that line - I think I may just be one of those adults who have severe hurt burn/indegestion problems. I woke up with MAJOR heart burn this morning. God it was awful...

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Is there calcium in those cold supplements that you are taking? I know that calcium can really aggravate heart burn. That's what my father told me.


It's possible that those sharp chest pains are coming from heart burn only. I used to feel them but I took acid reducer for a while and then got better. Things that can affect heart burn are stress, weight gain, eating habits, odd sleeping habits, Pepsi/Cola (no joke, my father told me that the colas are quite bad in that regard)...things like that.

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I hadn't taken any cold supplemnts before I woke up with the heart burn though, first one I took was after I had woken up and I already had the heart burn when I woke up.


Wow. I have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE things Fudgie! This is not good! I mean, I have had heart burn before in the past but never this frequent. I guess I forget our bodies change - or that I'm getting older, ha. Not 16 anymore... the doctor prescribed me Prilosec, I'm thinking I may try it for a month and see how the pains go. Today they started in the left side of my left breast and now they are on the right side of my left breast but further up and not completely on my breast, if that makes any sense....

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Sweet God in Heaven... I can't live without coffee Annie. It just isn't going to work. What are you suppose to eat if you don't eat that stuff? I eat almost 50% of whats on there!


maybe that's why you have heartburn???


more vegetables. less dairy products. more whole grains. more lean meat (chicken breast, pork, fish). more fruits (but not citrus).

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