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Not sure what I should do..


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Me and my boyfriend rebegan dating after he came back to me saying sorry , I love you.. because I broke up with him before cause i felt he was distant.

Now, feels like the same thing is happening.. We barely talk! We live 45 minutes away..I call him sometimes, he doesnt respond .I text him, he doesnt respond. I know he's practically never on his cellphone but it doesnt explain. Feels like he doesnt really care but everytime i would say something that means that ill leave him , he says im sorry it wont happen again and begs for me not to be mad.. I dont want to play games and I have my independent life like him..and I will talk to him about this very clearly next time but how should i talk to him about it and what do you think?

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Well if he's really not on his cell phone much, unfortunately it doesn't seem like he'll change that for you? Not ideal, but you can't make him do it.


In regards to bringing it up? Just kind of start it off like..


"Hey hun, so, I really want to ask you something that is important to me.."


He should respect it then.. after that go into your situation. Be direct though.. I've learned that "beating around the bush" or "buttering" things up really isn't effective. Stay calm though. Tell him that you really don't want to feel like he's playing games if thats how you really feel. Don't hold back.


I think it could be fishy, only if he tends to have his phone by him all of the time. Otherwise, you may just be thinking too much and just need to get used to this if you love him.

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