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taking a "break"


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hey guys, my girlfriend wanted to take a break yesterday night so we broke up. She says she's lost the "spark" in our relationship and she feels if she takes a break from me she will get it back. I was like ok? She then said she still wanted to keep talking to me though. So i dont understand how this is going to reignite her flame. Now when we talk though she's very blunt and emotionless. So i dont understand why she even wants to talk to me. I'm confused but i figured i'll just sit back and give her time for now.

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I would not let her decide how this so called "break" is going to be implemented. If she is saying she has lost the spark, then consider it a break up and treat it as such. If you stick around talking to her whenever she wants to talk you are setting yourself up to be friendzoned at best.


Tell her that you agree that if she has lost the spark that a break is a good idea. Tell her that we should not talk for 30 days and can sit down at that time and discuss how we both feel about each other. Tell her we should not contact eachother during this time so that we both have time to clear our heads and decide what we want.


Take control of the situation. If you don't you are going to go through hell. She needs to figure out what she wants and if you stay around she is not most likely going to get the spark back. Do not let her have her cake and eat it to. Be nice but give her what she wants, and that is a break.


This is your best chance to rekindle the flame. Good luck.

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that sucks man, my gf did the same thing, our LDR caused a lost of interest and we decided to take a break. I agreed to the "break" or breakup i guess and have been NC since last friday. I don't know how it will workout but I am hoping for the best. I say just follow the same rules, accept it and be NC and maybe the tide will turn in your direction.

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I would not let her decide how this so called "break" is going to be implemented. If she is saying she has lost the spark, then consider it a break up and treat it as such ...


Tell her that you agree that if she has lost the spark that a break is a good idea. Tell her that we should not talk for 30 days and can sit down at that time and discuss how we both feel about each other. Tell her we should not contact eachother during this time so that we both have time to clear our heads and decide what we want.


Take control of the situation.


I would echo that this is solid advice.

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