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YES! You can attract your ex back!


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I'm a believer in the LOA but NOT to attract a specific person.


The most important element in the law is the constant and consistant practice of gratefulness and graciouness. Pining for anyone or anything is not positive. Being happy and thankful for your situation and remaining optimistic about your future is. That is the key difference.


Faith is also a huge factor. Where does your faith lie? If one has faith in God for instance, then one can't lose faith over a breakup, indeed your breakup may have happened for a reason such as you were never meant to be with that person in the first place.


So where the law is concerned, you are to focus on what you truly can control which is your attitude. You can't control other people, not in this way. And to promote that you can is likely to lead to disappointment and disillusionment, only to attract more of the same.

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I'm a believer in the LOA but NOT to attract a specific person.


But does this solely happen through your own behavior (including non-verbal signals f.x. when you meet a woman) or do you think this happens becuse your thoughts directly affects the material world outside you?

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the idea is you go away for 6 months.. completely work on yourself...


seriously... who after 6 months of going out dating, working out, being happy is going to run after their ex...


If you do these things.. you will be in another relationship in no time if thats what want.


Pretty much becoming your own person again.. and being better than you were when you first attracted the ex.... IF you decide to try to get back with them.. you are in a position to attract them back.

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But does this solely happen through your own behavior (including non-verbal signals f.x. when you meet a woman) or do you think this happens becuse your thoughts directly affects the material world outside you?


I think your thoughts change your perception and your attitude which might directly affect and indirectly affect the world around you. For instance, if you've ever been the recipient of bad customer service or road rage, a negative or positive attitiude can have an effect. A negative attitude is likely to bring more if the same, a positive attitude can only go so far as the other party is wlling to accept and let it influence them and change their own perceptions of you and the situation.


Positive and negative can influence other people to want to be positive or negative but it is not likely to attract the specifics like you hope or think.


The law of attraction means that like attracts like. So your ex may be attracted to your positive attitude it doesn't make them want a realtionship with you more or less.


Put out the vibes and have faith that you will attract your soul mate, not one particular person. That is the essence of gettng what you want, like attracting like. Your ex is not attracted because they do not want the same things at the same time. If they did, you would not be here. If you understood the law, you would not be here.


When you say your daily affirmations, they should always be "I'm attracting the perfect person for me, my soulmate is on their path to me and I am in my path to her. My next relationship will meet my needs, and I will meet the needs if my lover.".


This in no way absolves you from being discerning in future or present relationships rather it sends a distinct message that you have faith and are optimistic about getting your needs met and finding someone in the future. Indeed that is confident and very attractve and that is why it works.

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