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YES! You can attract your ex back!


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Yes yes yes...you can indeed attract your ex back...and they can also dump your ass in the mud over and over...who needs the pain? If they've left you ONCE they can leave you again...very easily...maybe it's time to explore some new horizons....???? !!!!!


btw..I have been down this ex back road 3 times...gotten her back after 2 breakups...and I'm done...don't make me quote Mel Gibson...!!!!

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I think there is something fundamentally missing in this article. A couple of quote from the article:


My problem has never been attracting exes back. It has been maintaining or developing the actual relationship following getting her back into my life.

I am currently dealing with this very situation as we speak with a particular ex. I can say that she has been the love of my life. I've attracted her back on several occasions even though she was the one who initially decided to end the relationship.


It is quite clear, that this guy haven't found a way to maintain his relationships himself.


But why bother attracting an ex back if you are not able to solve the underlying problems that solved the rift in the first place? It is just asking for more pain later on. You will just create the yo-yo relationships like he author (inadvertently) describes.


The law of attraction is apparently only about attracting people or things into your life - not keeping it?

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Anyone with half a brain knows when the law of attraction is being applied to manipulate them. This leads me to the conclusion that the law of attraction not only rekindles relationships which are still broken, but at least one party has less than half a brain.

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It's not about how to maintain the relationship. It's about attracting the ex back. Period.


The law of attraction applies to everything in your life, which means you can apply it towards maintaining a relationship. DNS specifically talks only about applying it towards attracting back an ex.


The bottom line is that everybody is different, so there's no set rule on how to maintain one except that when applying the law of attraction, you can't apply it out of fear because you will get exactly what you are afraid of. To learn more about LOA, google it or go to the link above. Again, this thread is intended to explain only how to attract an ex back.

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quote from the article: "Ask yourself, would you be more attracted to a person you ended a relationship with if you knew they were doing all this to get you back? I doubt it. It would come accross as the most desperate, pathetic, needy display of self-loathing you had ever seen. It would push you further away."


This is what everyone has been saying to me but it didn't sink in until I jusy read it on the website.. thank you LONEMAN for the post!

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Let's be real...It really doesn't matter what you do if your ex doesn't want you back. You can do everything right, follow all the rules and it just won't matter.


Only if there is a genuine desire on there part does any of your actions matter. Be realistic in your expectations and do not get your hopes up that your going to get your ex back if they do not have this genuine desire for you.


I really can't stand reading someone saying they get all there ex's back using this method....I call bullsh*t!

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Replying to the LOA to get your ex back. It says to get on with your life/ love yourself put all of yourself into loving you taking care of yourself/ dating. What if you start dating and want to be with them physically. But you know you really want your ex back someday. Would that be wrong? Would you make it back if you actually slept with someone in between 3 months after breaking up . I think i know my answer but lovemaking is so personal and wanted it to be with my ex but we are not together thanks. Ellen

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Great info LONEMAN!!


I'm taking the ex of 5 weeks out this Wednesday for her B-day, and I do have my confidence and swagger back. These tips will be very helpful on how I approach this. Haven't initiated any contact since Friday...so hopefully she's be excited to see me when the day comes...

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Replying to the LOA to get your ex back. It says to get on with your life/ love yourself put all of yourself into loving you taking care of yourself/ dating. What if you start dating and want to be with them physically. But you know you really want your ex back someday. Would that be wrong? Would you make it back if you actually slept with someone in between 3 months after breaking up . I think i know my answer but lovemaking is so personal and wanted it to be with my ex but we are not together thanks. Ellen


Many people sleep with others post break up and still get back together. That is a very personal matter. Everyone is different. Some do and some don't.

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I really think reconciliations have a greater chance of success if you let them come back to you. They need to figure out themselves that you're the one rather than you re-attracting them back. That said I am a big believer that if you made a big impact on their life then at some point they will get back in touch themselves... that is your chance, but it has to be on their terms. As much as I want my ex back and think about her every day even after all this time, I am not going to contact her ever again if she doesn't contact me.

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Ellenmg- I understand how you feel about sleeping with someone else. The point is to concentrate on yourself. You feel guilty that you would be betraying your love for the ex and when you do that, you are still putting the ex first!


This may vary with everyone, but my feeling right now is that if I'm gonna sleep with someone, it's because I want to experience lovemaking with another person, even though I ultimately want to be with my ex somehow- not because I'm trying to heal my wounds. I think most rebounds end up not working because the person has not taken the time to truly focus on themselves and wants instead for the other person to be their source of happiness (or recovery) and this ultimately delays the individual's growth process.


Man on mission- Rather than being hopeful that she is excited, be happy that you are living in the moment and are constantly learning and improving.

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... this is an awesome article... even if you never get back with the EX.. following that guide will give yourself BACK to you. After following that for 3+ months you might not even want your ex back.


totally recommend everyone follow this advice.

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I liked the article there was a lot of good information. What if your ex is already in a relationship with someone shortly after you break up and you are in no contact with them? She broke up with me, not necessarily a bad break up she just said her feelings changed and then she cut all contact with me. Can this still work to attract them back?

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the idea is to realize that its over, get over her.. work on yourself for a min NC 3-4 months.. then if you want to get back with her still initiate contact.. then with the NEW you less needy you, she should be attracted to you again... thats the basic way it works...


BUT if she is in another relationship... leave it be man.. who knows what will happen in 3-6 months time anyway.

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I really think reconciliations have a greater chance of success if you let them come back to you. They need to figure out themselves that you're the one rather than you re-attracting them back. That said I am a big believer that if you made a big impact on their life then at some point they will get back in touch themselves... that is your chance, but it has to be on their terms. As much as I want my ex back and think about her every day even after all this time, I am not going to contact her ever again if she doesn't contact me.


i agree with this 100%. I know i made an impact on mama's boy life, let's just hope it was a big enough one. I'm done throwing myself under a bus, screaming at him to run me over with a car, that is what contacting him feels like to me emotionally. I'm ready to regain control, not of him, but the situation. (Ignore this next part if you are offended by religion) I will continue to pray for me, for him, for the both of us.


I can't force him to love me (but if i could, i would make that happen immediately), and i don't want to be with someone who's heart isn't all there, so it is THE best scenario if they come back to you on their own free will.

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Bungalo speaks the truth.


I worked very hard and overcame a lot of rejection to date my ex of 1.5 years again.


Now we've been intimate probably a dozen times and she CONSTANTLY points out that I'm trying to 'trick' her by being sweet, showing attention. And after being told this a handful of times... I told her it's hurtful and not my intention to trick her into anything, just give her more attention than I did before we split.


The truth is, no matter what I do or how I act, like bungalo said he could drop me in a heartbeat.


I think I'd rather heal completely than fight another losing battle. Only time will tell but sometimes attraction and intimacy-- do not equal a fixed relationship.

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Regardless of the law of attraction, if your ex doesn't love and respect you or the relationship enough, the laws of attraction will NOT comply. The law is based on like attracts LIKE....not THAT thing or person. The law of attraction does not state that it can be specific such as a CERTAIN person or a certain job for example.


Holding onto such nonsense is only harboring false hope in the one that is holding on while the other possibly could have gladly walked away.



In my opinion, there are no laws to love.









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In my opinion, there are no laws to love.


Or to anything to do with human interaction, or psychology, for that matter. Emotions aren't physics. "Law", when used in that context, involves constants, where relationships and personalities are variables. Besides, why create some new age pop psychology manifesto "law", when you could just simply say that your chances of hearing from the ex again may increase if you leave them alone and not act like an idiot?


"Attracting them back" isn't the hard part anyway.

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From Wikipedia: The phrase Law of Attraction, used widely by New Thought writers, refers to the idea that thoughts influence chance. The Law of Attraction argues that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) can affect things outside the head, not just through motivation, but by other means. The Law of Attraction says that which is like unto itself is drawn.

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From Wikipedia: The phrase Law of Attraction, used widely by New Thought writers, refers to the idea that thoughts influence chance. The Law of Attraction argues that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) can affect things outside the head, not just through motivation, but by other means. The Law of Attraction says that which is like unto itself is drawn.

'Course you realize that's all made up. It's a belief, not a "law," not even a testable theory.

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From Wikipedia: The phrase Law of Attraction, used widely by New Thought writers, refers to the idea that thoughts influence chance. The Law of Attraction argues that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) can affect things outside the head, not just through motivation, but by other means. The Law of Attraction says that which is like unto itself is drawn.


I think the problem is that proponents of the Law of Attraction mixes some obvious truths with something that is far more dubious.


Of course thoughts influence chance, in the sense that thinking certain thoughts in a certain way changes your behavior (fx. by not focusing on what you want to avoid). This obviously changes yourself, and through this it changes the around us (either because you act in a different way or people react to us in different ways through verbal or nonverbal signals).


As for thoughts changing stuff materially outside the head, LOA proponents are on thin ice. While observations about mirror neurons, quantum physics or psychokinesis of random number generators are certainly interesting, they are far from being a scientific explanations of such extraordinary claims as LOA proponents present.


There simply is no rigorous scientific proof of LOA - and thus calling it a law is completely wrong. At best it can be called a hypothesis (and sometimes it is not even a hypothesis, because the claims are non-testable nor verifiable).

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