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When a guy likes a girl he shows indications of interest!


It is reasonable to assume that if she finds him physically attractive then she will either initiate with indications of interest or positively respond to his.


However women will act like they are not interested or act closed off..... This gives a guy a clear **** off, not interested in you impression.


Only to find that in actual fact she did like him?



Why do women do this?

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lol Well, women who do this (errr... like me....!) will do this because they get clammed up and tongue tied and don't know what to do!!! They don't mean to appear like that, and will probably be completely different with other people.


I'm very social, chatty and friendly generally, however shove me in front of a raging hot inferno man type that I may be lusting after and I turn into a complete jibbering eejit.


It's kind of a complement, we find you attractive to the extend that we do not appear to be functional human beings.


I've tried to figure out why this happens, however I've decided that it's god's way of deciding that we will not reproduce in any way shape or form, and I must admit, his plan is working exceedingly well!

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lol Well, women who do this (errr... like me....!) will do this because they get clammed up and tongue tied and don't know what to do!!! They don't mean to appear like that, and will probably be completely different with other people.




I can understand the shyness side, but then the guy will just think.... what am I wasting my time for with this girl... she clearly is not interested and he will walk away, probably to a girl he likes less and is less attractive but one who shows that she is responsive to him.

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I can understand the shyness side, but then the guy will just think.... what am I wasting my time for with this girl... she clearly is not interested and he will walk away, probably to a girl he likes less and is less attractive but one who shows that she is responsive to him.


that's why i dont do this..

but OP sounds like ur discribing a specific girl who deos this? and how do u know she does this cuz she likes u?

oh..actually,will guys do this too?

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Not every woman does this, not every man does this either.

I know when I don't want to be approached, I politely make sure of it... or I put a "not interested" look on my face. If I'm interested at all, I either initiate an approach or I'm very obvious about it.

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