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Other websites?

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I love this website, and I'm on it a lot, but sometimes it makes me think of my ex and I feel worse.


Also, it seems like 10 days is the maximum I can go without checking my ex's facebook even though it makes me feel horrible. It's like I can't stop myself, so I think having other websites as backup might help me with that. (if anyone has any other suggestions on how to make myself stop this, let me know!)


Haha, so I'm just wondering if anyone has any other websites they visit besides this one/Facebook!?


The two I visit most often are:


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And I usually go on YouTube to watch funny videos if I'm feeling down.


But if anyone has ANY other suggestions, please post them! Thank you.

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and if you are willing to pay for a subscription, i love netflix. link removed


they also have thousands of streaming movies, which are great.



Ah, I actually just got Netflix! I'm on a free trial right now, but is great. I love it!

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I really like it. I watch a lot of streaming TV shows. A lot of documentaries and foreign movies too. Oh, and workout videos. There's just so much stuff on there.


haha workout videos are always good! but thanks for all your suggestions, you listed soo many and they were all great.

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