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I have been stuck in a dead end job for 4 years, the amount of responsibility placed on me for the amount I get paid is not worth it. I want to leave my job but I still live with my parents and they will kick me out if I do.


I have contemplated just running away and starting somewhere new but I do not have the money to even get started anywhere. I have also considered suicide but I have a 10 month old nephew and he is the only reason I keep going.


I don't know why I am writing on here if it's for advice or to just get it all off my chest because I can't seem to talk to anyone about the way I feel, and when I do try they think I am complaining about nothing but, it's not nothing to me it is a big deal.


I can't make a relationship work since my ex girlfriend left me 4 years ago. I have tried but I can't seem to let myself get close to anyone else in case I get hurt again and I think the feelings of depression stem from this break up as I have felt this way since then.

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Hello Seany


I am so sorry to hear about your stressful situation. First and foremost, please, take suicide out of the picture for now. There ARE other options you have that you didn't mention, so please listen and see if any of these may be possible for you


First, it is important that you determine for sure what the main source of your stress is. Your post starts off talking about your job, but at the end you mention how not having a relationship is bugging you. Do you feel lonely overall, or do you think if you had a more enjoyable job you would feel better? The first step is identifying the source of this crisis you're in.


Second, you can look for a new job while you have your current job. Can't you continue your job for now, while looking for another one?

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Maybe it is time for a move, to meet new people, see new things. Start saving to get yourself outta there, to find what makes you happy. May not be an easy thing to do, but it will make you feel so much better so accomplished and proud of yourself.


Keep your head up, it will get better.

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First, it is important that you determine for sure what the main source of your stress is. Your post starts off talking about your job, but at the end you mention how not having a relationship is bugging you. Do you feel lonely overall, or do you think if you had a more enjoyable job you would feel better?


To be honest I think it's a mixture of both, but the job also makes it really hard to maintain a relationship because I have to work overnight (23.00-07.00) so that takes away most of my day because I have to have enough sleep during the day to make sure I'm prepared for work again on the night. This is what also stops me actively looking for a new job.


I do like doityourselfs reply though, just thinking about moving on makes me smile, but that would also mean sticking with my job until I have enough money to move on.

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I do like doityourselfs reply though, just thinking about moving on makes me smile, but that would also mean sticking with my job until I have enough money to move on.



Yea but life wouldnt be worth living if it was so easy. Stick with the job, suck every penny you can in making it happen. Make a list of what you want to accomplish. Just being able to mark one off is a spirit lifter.


Is there a way you can make some more money on the side?

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Is there a way you can make some more money on the side?


I'm quite good with computers and family members always call if they need a computer repairing or anything so I suppose I could do that for some extra cash for a bit.

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I'm quite good with computers and family members always call if they need a computer repairing or anything so I suppose I could do that for some extra cash for a bit.


Yep, charge...My H is also into C, family always call says this doesnt work or is broke. Takes him hours to fix, I think he should start charging to.


Think of other ways you can cut back to, you would be amazed at what you can get rid of, that you really dont need. (just want)

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