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Great night=D


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So I had an amazing night. Basically my first date since my girlfriend cheated on me with so many people. We had a great dinner, and then she came over for a few hours to my place Honestly, I never had such a great time on a date. And she's incredibly smart. Loves reading, which was an instant turn-on for me..I let her borrow one of my books, and plan on giving her a few more, whether or not anything comes of this...was wondering what I was going to do with them anyways!


Well, that's the good news. The bad news? Sadly, I'm moving out of town soon but I'm going to see her tomorrow, it does make me a little sad knowing there can't be anything serious between us because of my moving. It sucks because I probably could have asked this girl out ages ago if I hadn't been stuck with a lying and cheating girlfriend.


Still, you guys don't know how good it felt to be with someone like her. She's really sexy/beautiful, very intelligent, motivated, and she's like a copy of me when it comes to interests etc..., lol! Honestly whoever ends up dating her long-term is going to be an incredibly lucky guy. Ah well. Who knows, she said she is considering the east coast for law school, so that is exciting.


So, although there's sadness now at how I wasted 2 years worth of dating time on someone who disrespected me and treated me like a piece of crap, I am happy knowing that there are women out there that seriously appeal to me =D.


That's all I ever want, I just want one girl I can be with. I'm just not a partying guy and I'm not interested in the whole "have sex with as many women as you want" thing...I just want one girl I can care for and she can care for me as well.


That's all I ever wanted and my ex denied me that, instead she let me fall madly in love with her and then tore me to pieces.


=) I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, I'm basically going to her house after work to hang out.

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Yeah she's really great. And I instantly got the vibe from her that she's really sweet =). It feels so good to be out dating again, made me realize that I can go back to being single without feeling alone. Took a while but I think I'm finally over my ex.

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Well that's great to hear. You deserve to be happy and it's inspiring to see someone who can move past infidellity. Good for you!


apparently, its possible Hard to see when you're feeling suicidal and depressed, but there is a way out!

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So I didn't end up seeing her, because I had to drop my brother and sister at my aunt's, and then the shipping company was coming tomorrow so I spent all day packing stuff.


Anyways I'm not going to push it or anything, I'm moving, so no point to anything, I'll probably just hang out with her a few more times but thats about it.


Moving is such a pain btw

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