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The Fake Ring.


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Not sure if this is the right thread but it can always be moved.


Anyway i've noticed lately that a lot of girls wear what looks like a wedding ring on their ring finger. I noticed my best friend the girl who he is seeing has one, and they are not engaged, nor plan to.


So my question is do you girls (who wear the fake rings) do it to hint that you don't want guys to hit on you ? or just a fashion ?

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Well I don't wear a fake ring but IMO if a girl is wearing what looks like a wedding ring on her finger she certainly isn't doing her utmost in attracting the opposite sex is she? Therefore implying she must be doing the opposite.


Incidentally, how do you know (apart from your friends gf) that they are fake anyway?

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Well I don't wear a fake ring but IMO if a girl is wearing what looks like a wedding ring on her finger she certainly isn't doing her utmost in attracting the opposite sex is she? Therefore implying she must be doing the opposite.


Incidentally, how do you know (apart from your friends gf) that they are fake anyway?


Sorry if i miss understood you but your basically saying your friends who wear the fake rings are basically seeing someone for the sex and not and not looking for a relationship ?


Well, like 99% of people i can't tell from a real ring and a fake one i'm just asking cause of my friends girl, and from what i've seen on TV. Also could it be a test to see if someone who has a wedding ring they would get hit on more often.


I'm not sure if you've seen Seinfeld but there is one episode were George puts on a wedding band to see if women would find him more attractive and they did. Also i've heard studies show that people are more attracted to taken people, cause they wanna see for themselves what they see in that person, something long those lines.

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Sorry if i miss understood you but your basically saying your friends who wear the fake rings are basically seeing someone for the sex and not and not looking for a relationship ?


I think you TOTALLY misnderstood me. Like I said I don't wear a fake wedding ring and neither do I know anyone who ever has. I'm not sure where you read in my post any implication that anyone who wears fake rings is looking for sex. I was actually implying the complete opposite. What I mean is, if a girl was single why would she want to wear a fake wedding ring that could put guys off approaching her ... unless she wants to of course. If a girl is in a relationship (but not engaged or married) and was wearing a fake wedding ring I would say she was sending out a huge signal that she was unavailable.


If I see someone wearing a wedding ring or if anyone starts coming on to me who are wearing a wedding ring (or what seems to be a wedding ring), I don't bother trying to work out whether its real or fake or if it is fake why would they be wearing it. I see it for what it potentially is ... a wedding ring ... and therefore any flirtatious interaction with them is to be avoided.

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jengh basically proved one of my points and thats so guy wouldn't hit on her, women could use this when they our out with there friends and the person wearing the fake ring doesn't wanna be hit on.


As for a fashion statement i wouldn't be surprised if people do, do this people wear odd things.

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jengh basically proved one of my points and thats so guy wouldn't hit on her, women could use this when they our out with there friends and the person wearing the fake ring doesn't wanna be hit on.


Which is EXACTLY the point I was making.

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I've been seriously thinking of getting a silver band to wear on my ring finger. It sounds so vain to say that you need to wear it to ward off guys, but it's true! I'm tired of it. I don't even think I'm that attractive, but it happens way too often and I'm so not single.

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I have heard of girls doing this. I never really understood it. Are they really all that that men are asking them out all day long? Also, I know have heard having the ring sometimes INCREASES the amount of times someone gets hit on. Several of my male friends say now that they wear wedding rings, they have women hitting on them more than before.


I am in the fashion biz and I can assure you it is not a new trend.

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It could be a purity ring that they wear. You know a statement that they won't have sex til they're married. Some girls get one until it is replaced by a wedding band. That could be one possibility.


That has crossed my mind, tho i don't think it would be the case, cause over here people who were purity rings are looked down as a joke, plus from what i've seen aren't most purity rings just round with some writing ? ones that i have seen look like they have a diamond in them.

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That has crossed my mind, tho i don't think it would be the case, cause over here people who were purity rings are looked down as a joke, plus from what i've seen aren't most purity rings just round with some writing ? ones that i have seen look like they have a diamond in them.


Oh, that type of ring. Yeah I thought about getting one, however, I think it would only end up turning guys off rather than on.

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Oh, that type of ring. Yeah I thought about getting one, however, I think it would only end up turning guys off rather than on.


well it depends on what finger you have the ring, personally i'm always on guard when it comes to girls wearing rings.

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Yep, I'd say that's a "don't approach me" sign. No need to wonder if it's real or fake. When someone's hitting on me and I say, "I have a boyfriend," sometimes they ask, "Do you actually have a boyfriend or are you just saying that?" Who cares! I don't want to go out with you!

Same goes for the fake wedding/engagement ring. You can even get the online: "Ms Taken"

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Yep, I'd say that's a "don't approach me" sign. No need to wonder if it's real or fake. When someone's hitting on me and I say, "I have a boyfriend," sometimes they ask, "Do you actually have a boyfriend or are you just saying that?" Who cares! I don't want to go out with you!

Same goes for the fake wedding/engagement ring. You can even get the online: "Ms Taken"



Its sad some be can't understand the word NO!!! some girl says no to me thats it i ain't trying, i got the message.

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Yep, I'd say that's a "don't approach me" sign. No need to wonder if it's real or fake. When someone's hitting on me and I say, "I have a boyfriend," sometimes they ask, "Do you actually have a boyfriend or are you just saying that?" Who cares! I don't want to go out with you!

Same goes for the fake wedding/engagement ring. You can even get the online: "Ms Taken"


This is the exact response that I was going to give. Girls wear it because they don't want to be approached for whatever reason. It's none of your business to figure out why.


OT but is that an E92 coupe?

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This is the exact response that I was going to give. Girls wear it because they don't want to be approached for whatever reason. It's none of your business to figure out why.


OT but is that an E92 coupe?


M3...i just love those halo rings

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well it depends on what finger you have the ring, personally i'm always on guard when it comes to girls wearing rings.


I have a Claddagh ring(Irish symbol of love) and one guy I was talking to got a little nervous that I had a boy-friend and that my "boy-friend" might beat him up. I wear my ring on the ring finger of my right hand, not my left. He was relieved when I told him I didn't have a boy-friend and explained to him how the Claddagh is worn.

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