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Ok so i like this girl, but based off of her size, its a lil iffy...im not trying to be mean, shes really sweet and cool. but shes like way shorter than me and alot bigger think (bbw)...Should being in a relationship be based off of looks? or is there more, im 21 and like ultra clueless to relationship needs....mind you if i do manage to end up her bf it will be my first relationship.

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Well my man, you gotta start somewhere I'm only a year younger than you and don't get in a relationship to be in one. I went on a date with a girl because I really just wanted a GF, there was no spark and everyone was dissing me for not liking her. I tell her no feelings so fourth, about a couple of weeks later, girl that I really like and am still dating walks into my life. Gorgeous girl, great personality. Something that I wanted out of a GF and she came after I turned down someone who didn't feel right for me. So if it feels right, go for it, if not you can let it slide or make it work. Waiting sucks, but it might work out in your favor.

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Relationships usually start off based from looks. Seeing something you like. But in relationship, what grows is not physical but the emotional aspects. The heart grows, feelings grow, you mind grows, every experience will change you for the better. But have to go through worst, before you can fully see the better side. It's a great way for personal growth too, finding out yourselves and really opening up new doors in life.


But keep it simple for now, just do your thing and experience life! Drink safe, play hard!

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