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I need advice about this girl...


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alright so first off this is my first forum so bear with me if I do something wrong


so theres this girl that I've been friends with for about 5 years,

not great friends but never any fights or anything, and mostly just talking in school. we are both in highschool by the way. recently in the past few weeks we have been hanging out quite a bit. we went rollerskating which was really fun and she ended up taking a nap on my shoulder. and then we went to the movies a few times, and just cuddled, head on shoulder type stuff. and it wasn't awkward at all and made us both really happy. later she told me that she loved being in my arms during the movie, that was via text message. and after these few times hanging out I think I am starting to fall for her and I am not sure where to go from here... so were both in the same sort of classes in school, but I'm a snowboarder who likes to go mountain biking, camping and that sort of thing. she rollerskates competitively for basically her whole life and is really into music and school band, she plays a bunch of instruments. I'm not sure if these differences are good or bad. I would appreciate your opinions on where to go from here.

thanks in advance!

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Differences are always a good thing. People don't have to have everything in common to be compatible. You can teach each other new stuff and both bring exciting things into the relationship. She obviously likes you. Having known her for 5 years, you should know a lot about her and what she is into. Show her that you're interested in who she is and that you care about the things she is into. Don't lie though. Don't pretend you like what she likes just so you can like the same things. Try to involve her in the things that you are interested in too. Maybe you could get her to teach you how to play an instrument, if there's one you would like to learn. Maybe she would like to go snowboarding, mountain biking, or camping. So you haven't kissed yet? Just a little cuddling? Do you hold hands? Could you find out from a friend (yours or hers) somehow if she likes you/wants to be exclusive? Since you have known her for so long and you said you've been hanging out/dating for a few weeks, the next step would be to find out if she wants to be exclusive. But you don't want to rush things or scare her off by asking her flat out, if she isn't ready. So I think the best thing would be to try to find out through a friend. Hope that helps

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It sounds like things are going great. I wouldn't worry about your different interests. As the other posters have said, that's actually a good thing. I also wouldn't take the next step by talking or putting out any labels. Let it continue to feel like it's "just happening." To move things ahead, you guys need to kiss. I think the best segue would be the next time the two of you are napping, cuddling or holding each other. Slowly position yourself to square your head and shoulders with hers. No talking, just look into her eyes with the slightest of smiles for a few moments. Then, slowly lean in for a kiss. Just think of taking the kiss slow. Don't jump in and try to steal one - that will either scare or annoy her. Be slow and deliberate - she will know what's about to happen, and won't feel threatened. If you both pull back with a big grin, you're on your way!

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I don't know why I said the next step would be to find out if she wants to be exclusive. I was going to say kiss, but I was thinking since you are young you may want to be exclusive first and maybe you do depending on your morals or how fast you move, but nevermind just scratch that. Listen to richpart, the next step is to go for a kiss. But I think it's still okay to find out through friends what she thinks, if you can do that without her knowing.

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this was a really great suggestion of just "letting it happen". I think that's what I am going to do. she is leaving for a competition soon so I won't see her for 2-3 weeks, but she wanted to know if we could have a movie night at my house when she gets back(because there are no armrests at my house hahah) so I think that it'll give both of us time to think about it too. keep posting ideas though everyone! thanks again

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Take her out again and go for the kiss. She's feeling you. Don't tell her you like her though, she already senses that...go for the kiss...once you do that, it will establish the romantic relationship between both of you.

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