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For days and days I sit thinking about the way things use to be,

I sit and wonder of ways to try and make you see.


I cannot do this to myself anymore,

Its beginning to feel like some kind of chore.


How can you sit there sit there and look into my eyes and lie,

Lie to me about things that all along would make me cry.


Why cant you just be honest with me,

About the reasons you wanted to flee.


Dont tell me your coming back when your really not,

Dont tell me you love me and that there will be another shot.


Please understand I am human with a heart,

That you say you love me but you want to part?


If you really loved me you would be here for me,

Be here for whatever that I am and want to be.


Dont even try to act like you care that I cry,

Dont you realize that you had a good girl that you deny.


I wish there was an easy way out of this,

Out of this dillusion of eternal bliss.


Once you figure out that you want to be back with me,

It will only cause me pain hoping again that you would not flee.


What do u think???

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