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why do men (in particular, my boyfriend) think it's funny to burp and make fart sounds?! Don't get me wrong, it can be funny. But what about romance?!!? haha how am I supposed to keep being attracted if there's only farting and no.. romantic stuff? lol.


I know it's just his sense of humor and I've accepted that. He's a bit immature in that way, but come on! haha, there's no way he would have done this when we first met. He was trying to impress me then!


I don't even fart in front of him and we've been together a year and a half!

I still want to keep a little mystery, lol.

And to be honest, I don't really care that much.. perhaps if there was an even amount of burps and "you're beautiful's" it would be better!

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Yeah i never want to be comfortable enough to have my girlfriend fart around me or me do the same, sounds like immaturity, yes I am 20 and I still laugh at farts and all the good stuff, but that's way too much to handle. You should tell him to knock it off haha

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why do men (in particular, my boyfriend) think it's funny to burp and make fart sounds?!


I know it's just his sense of humor and I've accepted that. He's a bit immature in that way, but come on! haha, there's no way he would have done this when we first met. He was trying to impress me then!


I don't even fart in front of him and we've been together a year and a half!

I still want to keep a little mystery, lol.

And to be honest, I don't really care that much.. perhaps if there was an even amount of burps and "you're beautiful's" it would be better!

Well, everybody burps and farts, they're natural bodily functions, but to purposely force them out to be as conspicuous and "funny" as possible, yeah, that's pretty rude.


After 16 years, my wife and I are past the point where we pretend we are perfect angelic creatures that don't burp and fart. But you'll always get an "excuse me" and some discretion, even if we don't run off to the bathroom every time.


Gotta hate the "silent but deadly" ones though. Sometimes I'd prefer a warning, lol.

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i dunno, its just a funny guy thing. its like 80% of them adore it. i find it hilarious (and smelly), and if its my bf, i like that he is comfortable enough to do it.


im not sure the reasoning/psychology behind it though...

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Yeah i never want to be comfortable enough to have my girlfriend fart around me or me do the same, sounds like immaturity, yes I am 20 and I still laugh at farts and all the good stuff, but that's way too much to handle. You should tell him to knock it off haha


Hahah, he has a bit of an immature sense of humor (in a bodily function type of way, at least not in a perverted way or something like that). He is very silly. Which is one of my favorite things about him. I don't even care if he does it, but at least keep the romance alive otherwise, lol.

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why do men (in particular, my boyfriend) think it's funny to burp and make fart sounds?!


I don't know. But I do think it is a turnoff. :silly: There seems to be a positive correlation between how long a couple has been together and how comfortable the person is with doing stuff like that.


I can tell you that for my son, the fascination and pride with his own bodily functions started in infancy when he would smirk whenever he let one go. So maybe it is a caveman thing, deeply ingrained throughout human evolution????


The worst is when he ( as in my son- not my husband lol) does it in public. I want to crawl into a hole and die. At least he says "excuse me" now because he is 3.... but it is still horrifying.


All I can say is thank god for windows should you be unlucky enough to have this imposed upon you in a car.

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i dunno, its just a funny guy thing. its like 80% of them adore it. i find it hilarious (and smelly), and if its my bf, i like that he is comfortable enough to do it.


im not sure the reasoning/psychology behind it though...


lol, I like it too, it is funny.

I've just realized, after we got off the phone and he burped and grunted in my ear.. that I miss romance too! haha

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I don't know. But I do think it is a turnoff. :silly: There seems to be a positive correlation between how long a couple has been together and how comfortable the person is with doing stuff like that.


I can tell you that for my son, the fascination and pride with his own bodily functions started in infancy when he would smirk whenever he let one go. So maybe it is a caveman thing, deeply ingrained throughout human evolution????


The worst is when he (my son- not my husband lol) does it in public. I want to grawl into a hole and die. At least he says "excuse me" now because he is 3.... but it is still horrifying.


All I can say is thank god for windows should you be unlucky enough to have this imposed upon you in a car.



Oh he's tried to "hot box" me! I will admit it is funny, until it happens.

He will fart and then roll up the windows in a car. I think he only does it cause I will react, haha.

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hahahahaha. i always say " you havent been loved till youve been dutch ovened"



that's the worst when we're in bed and I'll think he's going to pull the covers over me to snuggle, but nope. He farts. And then I fight for my life!

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Your definition of romance is very superficial. Real romance is when you accept the other person the way they are and love them for all their quirks and characteristics.


I'm not saying I don't love him, haha. I love his sense of humor. This is more of a joke post than anything. All I meant was.. while his burps and farts and stuff might be funny, sometimes it would be nice if we could go back to the beginning where he was trying to impress me. That's all

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Hey D,


Got a question for ya? Is is possible for him to kill 2 birds with one stone here? What if he could burp and fart out the chorus to a special romantic song you guys share? If he could fart and burp the chorus to "When a man loves a woman" how could that possibly be considered non-romantic?


This may sound a little weird but seriously when he farts and tries to "hot box" you that is actually a bid for affection. It's something he would probably only do to probably his brother, best friend and significant other. And you are probably the only woman on the planet he would do this to. So that should in a way make you feel special.


I know it may sound a little weird but the fact that he would consider you "hot box" worthy actually means that he cares deeply about you and in a way is kind of romantic. Romance is just a way of saying to your significant other "hey you are special to me." Hot Boxing is making this this statement.

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Women like you give me hope that their is a woman out there right for me. Keep that sense of humor.


I'm so talented at farting (I would be at least a bronze medalist if it were an olympic event) it would seem a waste if I don't find a woman some day who appreciates the humor in it.

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I personally can not STAND men who do this. I think it is rude, disgusting, offensive, and unattractive. I would never have sex with a man again if he purposely farted on me and then laughed about it.


I totally understand a slip or an accident, but I do not find it funny at all when someone farts in my area.


Luckily my boyfriend is really kind to me about this issue. Although he does insist on telling me what happened in the bathroom, what happened to his balls, etc. Boys are just gross sometimes.

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I personally can not STAND men who do this. I think it is rude, disgusting, offensive, and unattractive. I would never have sex with a man again if he purposely farted on me and then laughed about it.


I totally understand a slip or an accident, but I do not find it funny at all when someone farts in my area.


Luckily my boyfriend is really kind to me about this issue. Although he does insist on telling me what happened in the bathroom, what happened to his balls, etc. Boys are just gross sometimes.


And there are many guys who cannot stand girls with this attitude. I wouldn't be able to be with a girl who was so offended by bodily functions. It's a part of life.


Luckily, I found myself a girl who can dish it all right back at me!

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Originally Posted by konstantine

"I personally can not STAND men who do this. I think it is rude, disgusting, offensive, and unattractive. I would never have sex with a man again if he purposely farted on me and then laughed about it."


This is funny to me. If a woman cut me off from sex because I purposely fart near her. I would start putting double shots in my protein shakes and letting them rip. Why do some women think using sex as a powerplay is effective? I have the perfect solution its called a right hand and an imagination. From my experience masturbation is more enjoyable than sex with a woman who is wound to tight for living.


To each their own. Some say "home is where the heart is." My home is where the fart is. At work I go to the rest room anytime I have to fart. At home I fart where ever and whenever they arrive.

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I'm not saying I would use sex as a powerplay. I'm saying I wouldn't be with that person because I could never find them sexually attractive again. It's not about manipulating someone with sex.


It may sound uptight to you, but everyone has their deal breakers. For me, it's purposely farting. That doesn't mean I'm "wound too tight". There are probably other things that wouldn't bother me that would bother other people. Everyone is different. Luckily we can all find someone that fits in with what we like.

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My guy is comfortable enough to burp/fart around me....but he doesn't find it funny. That's the difference. Finding all that funny is like 12-year-old humor.


I don't know. I guess all guys are different. I will say that it seems like many find it funny and honestly, I don't know why either! I think it's gross. It's a natural bodily function and I can deal with it in a mature way... I just get grossed out/annoyed when they think it's SO funny.

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