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My ex and I separated a little while ago and I just found out that he is more than likely buying a house. I've wanted that for many years now - to be able to own our own home as a family rather than be in the rent rat race and wasting such vast amounts of money.... to provide security for ourselves and above all our kid.


I can't help but feel bloody irritated because he is in that position and I'm simply not and probably never will be on my own.


Anyone have any suggestions to overcome this feeling of worthlessness and helplessness that comes with being a single parent unable to provide a secure home?

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You do have a secure home...you. You have a roof over your head and can provide love and attention to your child. Buying a house is not the be all and end all. Look at how many people who had the "dream" of owning a house and then lost it during the current recession. Look at how many people who bought homes and had to sell at a loss. Look at how many people who bought lemon homes and had to sink a ton of money into repairs. There is nothing wrong with renting. Don't look over your shoulder at what your ex is doing. Single moms often have less disposable income than the dad.

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Thanks for that - just what i needed to hear. We all have moments where the irrational takes over and burns out our common sense. Yes, my little one is in a safe and loving environment... and ultimately - that is all that matters. I agree - in this day and age it's easy to forget that owning a house doesn't necesarilly mean what it once used to.


Debt, and potential crisis. We are safe, secure and sound where we are...

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Thanks for that - just what i needed to hear. We all have moments where the irrational takes over and burns out our common sense. Yes, my little one is in a safe and loving environment... and ultimately - that is all that matters. I agree - in this day and age it's easy to forget that owning a house doesn't necesarilly mean what it once used to.


Debt, and potential crisis. We are safe, secure and sound where we are...


Believe me that owning a home is not all that its cracked up to be. You realize the true value if you can sell it for a profit. Otherwise, it's a very large financial responsibility that can lead to a lot of dissolved relationships.


Being in control of yourself should be your sanctity.It's better to have freedom during this period in your life than it is to have one more thing to worry about.


Take care of yourself and if you truly want to own a home, it'll come to fruition with time.

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