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Okay, I love romance books.


More sex the better.


Does anyone know of any writers that have books that are sexual and that they sell in stores? I have a hard time finding these books at the discount stores like Walmart and Target.


Any recommendations?

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Okay, I love romance books.


More sex the better.


Does anyone know of any writers that have books that are sexual and that they sell in stores? I have a hard time finding these books at the discount stores like Walmart and Target.


Any recommendations?


You can get really good used books at Amazon, super cheap.

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They charge so much for shipping, thats my thing, I can read a book about every 2 days, so paying $5-$6 a piece is alot when your adding shipping on top of that.


I usually go to thrift stores or yard sales, but Im finding that Ive read everything, since most times they are older books.


The library doesnt carry these types of books, so Im stuck with reading Nora Roberts(which I love) but just not doing it for me anymore I guess.


Thanks for the advice though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noah Roberts was who I was going to suggest. Have you read her Circle Triology series? It's really good. Theres also a series by Diana Gabaldon called the Outlander. It takes a bit to get into but they are pretty good as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I really like the Harlequin Silhouette series. The ones with the blue bindings and such on the side of the front of the book.


I really love these stupid books. I don't know why. They're awful. They never have good sex scenes. It's very lovey. They always go omething like this: girl meets boy (who is usually high-powered and/or a single father), girl tries to pretend she doesn't want boy b/c she's independent (when really all she wants is to be held and told everything is gonna be ok), boy pursues girl seemingly in vain, boy and girl make love (not have sex. Make love), boy and girl have some sort of fight, boy and girl realize after the fight they love each other. And the boy always has a really great and cheesy name, like Laike Drivers, while the girl's name is pretty simple, like Ashley Walters.


Stupid ass books. I love them.


Check your library. That's where I get all mine from! Ive also gotten a few of them at Goodwill and stuff for dirt cheap!


As far as the sex ones go, Penthouse Letters books. No lie. They're all sex. I love them. Fiance and I sometimes use them as foreplay. It's the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Noah Roberts was who I was going to suggest. Have you read her Circle Triology series? It's really good. Theres also a series by Diana Gabaldon called the Outlander. It takes a bit to get into but they are pretty good as well.


The Outlander series is awesome. I am almost done with " A Breath of Snow and Ashes" I am so sad to think that the next is the last. I LOVE Clair & Jamie!

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