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Do hologram/Magnetic braclettes work???

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They are everywhere now! hologram or mineral braclettes that are supposed to help give you strength and balance. They came from NASA and people swear by them. My husband had a demo done on him at the fair where they had him stand on one leg with his arms out, they tried to push him down and were able to easily. Then they had him put a braclette on and tried again and they couldn't even make him budge! anyone ever try this???

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They are everywhere now! hologram or mineral braclettes that are supposed to help give you strength and balance. They came from NASA and people swear by them. My husband had a demo done on him at the fair where they had him stand on one leg with his arms out, they tried to push him down and were able to easily. Then they had him put a braclette on and tried again and they couldn't even make him budge! anyone ever try this???


I've never seen them.

I'd be skeptical over whether these bracelets have any amazing properties in their own right, but the placebo effect is a scientifically proven marvel.


If you believe it works for you, then great!

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I tried this at a street fair. I easily got pushed over the first time and I put on the bracelet and he couldn't even sway me, took the bracelet off and he could push me over.


So idk I guess it does? I was interested but decided against the $30 price tag.

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I tried this at a street fair. I easily got pushed over the first time and I put on the bracelet and he couldn't even sway me, took the bracelet off and he could push me over.


So idk I guess it does? I was interested but decided against the $30 price tag.


Is it not possible that the person doing the pushing during these demonstrations exerts more force when you are not wearing the bracelet, and less force when you are?

An unscrupulous person trying to sell you a $50 piece of fiddle-faddle might do such a thing.


(To be fair, it's possible too, that if the seller actually believes in the magic of the bracelets,

they might subconsciously exert more or less force, without even being aware of the fact that they are doing so.

It really is nice to have something to believe in).

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//They came from NASA//

The North American Scam Association?


Even if it is from the real NASA, it's just a way for them to unload their worthless failed experiments, same as that memory foam stuff. You are essentially buying someone else's garbage.

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Is it not possible that the person doing the pushing during these demonstrations exerts more force when you are not wearing the bracelet, and less force when you are?

An unscrupulous person trying to sell you a $50 piece of fiddle-faddle might do such a thing.


(To be fair, it's possible too, that if the seller actually believes in the magic of the bracelets,

they might subconsciously exert more or less force, without even being aware of the fact that they are doing so.

It really is nice to have something to believe in).


Yes possibly he could have. It didn't seem like it but then again he could have been a professional. But yeah I agree with the general consensus, it's bogus.

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Yes of course they work, but only ones made of a special silver. They're more expensive, but it's been proven that they benefit your love life as well, and they're not fake like the the other ones. I've got an unused one here as it happens, merely $499.99 to you. I'll take a check.

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