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I have no goals or dreams or ambition....

zombie king

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I don't want to do anything with my life. I just like to watch movies,. play videogames,.. read books,... that's all. There's no grand scheme.


I used to have this dream of being a comic book creator,.. but now it's pointless since comic books sales are the lowest they've ever been and are only getting lower. That's the only goal I ever had.


I guess I should be trying to make enough money to move out on my own,.. but I don't want to.


If I had to,.. I probebly could support myself in some cheap apartment.


But I just don't see any future for me. I don't want to go to a college or anything. I hate responsibility. I can barely take care of my car that I slave away at work to pay for.

I don't think too far ahead in the future. If I do,.. I get depressed.

I just spend most of my time being entertained. That's all I want out of life.

I'm just dead weight.

I shudder to think about me 20 or 30 years from now.

Maybe I'll get lucky and die a quick and painless death when I'm around 30 years old or so.

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ok i kind of have the same feeling except its different for me cuz im in high school and i cant do what i know will make me happy. for you though, whatever you LOVE to do in life, make a career out of it. trust me you need to be happy in your work becuase work is a major part of life. if you want to be a comic book creator then do it if it will really make you happy. dont worry about the money. if you dont have enough money for your cay let alone a place of your own. maybe you could sell your car. if you live in a city theres plenty of public transportation and you could even buy a nice mountain bike or something to get you around. all i know is you have to do what makes you happy. you could even take the comic book thing to a different level and persue a career in cartoons, its similar yet a cartoon artist makes more money. if you dont want to then dont. just find something that makes you happy and do it. i really hope i helped.

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Hey, I know how you feel. I spent 5 years in school taking what I thought was the love of my life [art]. Now, $30,000 in debt, I hate it and I have no idea what to do with myself. Even a year ago I had all these great plans and ideas for future but it slowly fell apart.


I find that if you don't worry about 5 years from, it's easier to manage the next few months. It will come to you... might take a few months, might take a year or two for you to find something you really enjoy doing.


For now, I'm just trying to figure out how to get out of debt and save some money and go to Europe for a while... Maybe there'll be something there I like


Maybe you could try looking for better paying work so you can keep your car AND have some money left over. Maybe work 2 jobs and take one or two classes somewhere. Find something fun in arts, design or even the gaming industry - if you're good at comic book art I'm sure you can manage and maybe you can entertain others and yourself too.

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Hi z king,


I don't want to do anything with my life. I just like to watch movies,. play videogames,.. read books,... that's all. There's no grand scheme.


Sounds fine.


I used to have this dream of being a comic book creator,.. but now it's pointless since comic books sales are the lowest they've ever been and are only getting lower. That's the only goal I ever had.




I guess I should be trying to make enough money to move out on my own,.. but I don't want to.


So why not stay where you are?


If I had to,.. I probebly could support myself in some cheap apartment.


But I just don't see any future for me. I don't want to go to a college or anything. I hate responsibility.


Ok, so don't be responsible. Not being responsible has consequences; being responsible has consequences. Living with consequences is the future.


I can barely take care of my car that I slave away at work to pay for.


If you don't take care of things then the future is clear isn't it? Things will not be taken care of, which means they are taken care of.


I don't think too far ahead in the future. If I do,.. I get depressed.


You mean you see the consequences?


I just spend most of my time being entertained. That's all I want out of life.


Entertainment is fine. It's just that the 'entertainment' may not be what you wanted.

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Maybe you should put all that negativity and all that thought you have into writing this post into something constructive. Like Owning a video game business, or building your life around what you love. It works for lots of people. Think about it, if you put as much effort into thinking what you could do with your life instead of putting all the effort into thinking what you dont want to do, you might get somewhere. Your life is what you make it. Others arent going to give you a future.

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  • 1 month later...

You're going to think this is weird, but I think you should do it.


My advice: Take all the money you have saved, take time off of work. If you don't care about your work, don't care about losing it. It may be the best thing that's ever happened to you. Then, get in a bus or a plane or a train or your car or anything.


Just go. Who cares where, just do it. When you're away from home, you can think about all this other stuff you had no idea you even thought. You'll be proving to yourself that you have all these possibilities. You can go anywhere, and you can do anything.


If you aren't motivated to do any of that, take someone. They can be your cheerleader. You can make it accross the country, even if there really is no obvious reason to do so.


I really can't explain further why I think you should do all that, I'm a little confused about it myself. All I know is that if you check out when you're 23, you won't notice when something finally does come along. You have plenty of time to do whatever you want. Sometimes that's scary, I guess.

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Zombie King,

I hear ya, loud and clear. I felt exactly as you did a few years ago, when I would be unemployed for months at a time... and during that period, I would literally live day-to-day, no ambition, no plans, no "grand scheme". Now that I'm employed in a job doing what I enjoy doing, I'm still not satisfied.


Over the years, I have realized that I have never had a passion for anything. At the moment I am pursuing a side interest that I hope to make a second career out of, but even then I'm not totally certain if this is a passion of mine. You, on the other hand, DO have a passion, and that is for comic books. I think you should go and pursue it. The comics industry will be around for many years to come, and if it's in a slump now, it is sure to revitalize by the time you become a working professional. Don't let the MONEY ISSUE deter you from your passion.


Do something for the love of it, not so you can live in a nicer apartment or drive a nicer car. If only material goods were important to you, you would have just become an accountant long ago, right?

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  • 3 years later...

ah, the tragedy of youth.

i can't say things ALWAYS get better with age, but generally they do.


look, technology is constantly in flux. there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who have hit a brick wall when they followed their passions. simply because what they wanted to do suddenly wasn't so popular anymore. but if it's your desire, you MUST go for it. have you ever thought about incorporating your passion into something more modern? comic books may not sell so hot right now, but that's where you ucould come in with a whole new way of looking at it. show the world that you can pay tribute to what you love in a modern setting. anyone who does anything in the world of entertainment has had to go through what you're going through. it's those who bridge the gap between the old and the new--THEY are the successful ones.


desires wane through various psychological and environmental factors. first you must get some motivation. do every little thing you can in order to make life as positive as possible in every circumstance you face (update your look, pre-plan and organize things, be really sociable, pay off debts, etc...). it is crucial you feel good about yourself before you say you have no passion for anything. talking to a professional really does help in that department. if it turns out you're depressed, great! ..not that you're depressed, but at least you know there is a medical reason behind your lackluster outlook. clinical depression makes EVERYTHING look bad, not matter how good you felt about something in the past. i live in canada so it's easy for me to suggest going to a doctor as every visit is free. but ANY support group, clinic, etc. can help you on your way.


AS YOU BEGIN TO FEEL BETTER, you'll notice you enjoy things more. your overall outlook and disposition alter DRASTICALLY and you'll find your lucid mind can handle almost anything. it sucks for a while, but the key is regaining that sense of control in your life. the rest (desires, goals, etc...) will come naturally.


and to everyone else who's in debt-- SOLELY focus on paying it off. NOTHING feels better than coming out of debt and into savings.

life will be uneventful for a while (as your cash will be going back to the bank), but once it's done, you will sleep the best sleep of your life. the sense of freedom will allow you to spend your time learning more about what you love. and you'll really love it more because you don't have that hellish burden on your shoulders anymore.


so, to recap:


1. understand your burdens (if necessary, talk to someone).

2. work to eliminate as many as you can

3. as a result, you'll feel better--thus giving you that peace of mind necessary to enjoy and follow your passions.

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  • 1 month later...

i have no ambitions or dreams either.i currently am a barista(coffee maker)and i really like doing that,but while money is decent ots not great.ive thoght about openeing my own shop but thats so freakin risky.....i could lose everything and be bankrupt.ive never had any desire to go to college,even when i was in 4th grade and first heard the concept of college i just thought"why in the hell would i want to school again,when i hate school already?"over the years ive thought maybe id like to be a psychiotrist,but....naa....a chef.....naa.....theres been nothing that has really burned passionatly in my heart or mind.except being a mom,which i am and i love it,but theres NO money in that.i wish i was one of those people that knew what they wanted to do at age 6......im 25 and have no clue.

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