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if u have a gf and there's a girl acting pretty close to u,what'd u do?


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By acting close to u i mean someting like adding u on FB,or talking to u a lot,share thoughts with u and stuff...not flirting or getting all over u.(but ur not sure if she only wants to be friends)

would u act indifferent? or deliberately keep a certain distance..not being too nice/friendly to her,dont talk to her much..or depends on how attractive she is? lol if she's hot,then be firends with her.if not,ignore her?

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If you feel she's crossing boundaries in your relationship than I would say keep it barely an acquaintance.


The majority of people on here will tell you to disregard what your partner thinks because that'd be "controlling" so I guess all I can say is do what you want whilst respecting yourself, your partner/relationship and her.

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or depends on how attractive she is? lol if she's hot,then be firends with her.if not,ignore her?


That sounds really weird. I would respect your relationship with your girlfriend first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with girl\guy friendships, but you're girl really needs to trust you, as well as her. and more importantly you need to know you're coming from the right place with this girl. For me, I'd keep a very clear and strict boundary in that friendship, it's the right thing to do and it is what's respectful of your girlfriend. You should introduce her to your girlfriend too. This "If she's hot, then be friends" thing has me pretty suspicious.

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Just know your boundaries.


I don't think that the OP really understands what his boundaries are. Be respectful of your girlfriend as others have told you, introduce this friend to your girlfriend so that your girl knows that she has nothing to be worried about. And make sure that this friend of yours knows that that is exactly what she is.

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By acting close to u i mean someting like adding u on FB,or talking to u a lot,share thoughts with u and stuff...not flirting or getting all over u.(but ur not sure if she only wants to be friends)

would u act indifferent? or deliberately keep a certain distance..not being too nice/friendly to her,dont talk to her much..or depends on how attractive she is? lol if she's hot,then be firends with her.if not,ignore her?


If she has gone from barely knowing you to calling you all the time, etc, I would make it clear to her that you have a girlfriend and also don't be so available for her. It sounds like this is a recent friend and not someone you knew for years from the old neighborhood or school. I am going against the grain and if she is sharing very personal things and wanting a shoulder - especially if she hasn't earned that by being a long time friend, I would set my boundaries high to not cross the line into emotional intimacy. btw, how did you meet her? And if you are not sure that she what she wants (friendship or more) you should greatly reduce contact with her. When people meet as casual friends, it is very clear to eachother what eachother is \

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Honestly it would depend on how I interpreted her behavior. If I thought she might like me then I’d probably distance myself from her. I wouldn’t want to lead her on and I wouldn’t want her to think anything is ever going to happen. I might even end up trying to find an excuse to introduce my gf into the equation so as to make it clear I’m not available.


If I figured she was just a friend then I probably wouldn’t think twice about any of it. My problem is I usually find myself in the opposite situation with the girl with a bf flirting with me and I'm single.

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