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ok..I've been single for a while now. I went on a date with this guy to a wedding yesterday. He hold my hand the whole time he was driving. I felt bad to say no to him so I let him hold my hand. I guess I gave him mixed signals. He also just broke up with his girl. He's a very nice person and I love to keep him as my friend. I also like his friends a lot. He's asking me for a second date on this Thursday. I haven't replied yet.I dont wanna break our friendship by saying no. can anyone give me any suggestions on how to reply to his text?

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Ask yourself if you want to go out on a second date with him. If not, then don't go. I am sure he doesn't want a woman going out with him because the woman is sympathetic to him rather interested in him. And if saying no is going to break the friendship, then its not worth the friendship. Tell him you want to be friends with him and not romantic. I always find simple honesty the best solution.

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friendship... how about telling him how you feel about the situation. that you want to be just friends you know. dont tell him we can be friends now and see where things go cause that would led him on just say be friends. and then be friend and let time takes its toll if things were to work out

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I hope he gets that vibe. I wanted to dance at the wedding but I didnt dance much cos I didn't wanna dance with him. I kept running out of dance floor but he kept telling me lets go dance. He didn't force or anything but he asked me so many times if I wanna dance. idk if he was just trying to be nice


so..here's what I'm gonna tell him. pls tell me if its good enuf.


hey...xxx... I'd love to hang out with you again as your friend.

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