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well how do i tell him...and what to do?


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ok so i know i already had a post like this but it got deleted so the administrater said it was ok to repost.


ok lets start like this....


i am most likely pregnant and Its from my bf, whom i love very much...although he doesn't want a baby till he is money wise stable.

well but he doesn't believe in abortion and neither do i...


well i really think i can take care of the baby and i don't want to kill it...i mean its part of me...

but this isn't how i wanted things to be at all... i wanted to marry the one i had kids with...i wanted to know for sure that they felt the same about me as i do with him...


well i love luke and i would marry him in a heartbeat...but im afraid thats not what he wants. I don't want to hurt him by having a baby. but i wont kill it...but i love him so much, and now i find out his mom hates me..yay (sarcastic) and i really wanted her to like me...but o well...


but anyway i have the best man anyone could have right now.and i don't want to ever lose him, i think he is afraid cause im younger then him, i am young, but i know i really love him ,and i know that i would be the nothing would make me happier then to spend the rest of my life with him...


i can't seem to tell him that cause i promised myself i would never love another man for ever, but i do, i love him...and he makes me feel so happy, i just hope i make him feel the same way...i don't know how to tell him all that without either scaring him off or making him think im dumb...

but i really do love him, and i want my baby to have a daddy.

any advice is loved.

thank you all who replied to my last post...sorry your answers are not still up, but my post accidently got deleted, but its ok...

love you all.


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well it does sound like your really in love with this guy and your definitely keeping the baby. if you really do love him like you say you do then tell him god dammit. dont mention marriage or spending the rest of your life with him because some guys are freaked out and overwhelmed by that. just tell him you love him a lot and how you truley feel. if you say that at least hell know your true feelings and if he loves you hell feel the same way. tell him not to worry about you being younger and you guys having a baby, if you in love youll find a way. so just tell him how you feel and if he doest feel the same way.. maybe hes just not the one. its tough i know, but you have to figure out where he and you stand in this situation so you can get on with your lives. if your meant to be together things will work out, you will have to work at it but in the end itll be ok.

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I don't know how to tell him how much i love him without creeping him out...

but it is real.

i just love him so much. and its really so much that i don't think i have words for it...and thats creepy to me because i am so afraid of men, but im not afraid of him...

all i am afraid of from him is that he wont love me back the same...

thank you so much for your reply,

love QTpie87

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love is like that, hard to find the words for it. i cant tell you what to say, just say whats in your heart. try thinking about it, you expressed your love good in the first post so i know you can at least express it in words in some way. your scared but just go for it. if he gets creeped out then he shouldnt have had a baby with you and hes not right for you anyway. its tough right now because if he really isnt the one for you then youve lost him but trust me you will thank yourself later when you can move on with your life and search for the real one. PS.. the baby does need a father figure in his life so find someone thats close to you that can spend time with the baby on a regular basis if things dont work out between you and your boyfriend. JUST TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND HOW YOU FEEL. youll find the words soon enough. i know its easier said than done but i know you can do it

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ok well its good to see your keeping the baby now the only thing i can say about expressing your love to him is say exactly how youe feel and think about him, like what you said to us as to tell him about the baby if you havent already well just say luke i have something to tell you, i love you alot (this would be when you tell him how you feel) and im pregnant and see how he reacts, bear in mind he might be shocked so his first reaction may not be exactly how he feels good luck and keep me posted

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Have you even thought about how you will be supporting this child? Have you thought about where the money will come from and how you will finish school? You will need to go to school because no one will hire you. Where are you going to live and how are you going to provide all the things this child will need? Why would you want to bring a child into this world if you can't give him/her all the best things it deserves?


As for your love, everyone is with THE ONE when they're 16. Think about 5 or 10 years down the road... another child without a father because you can't stand each other. Think about 2 months from when the baby is born... and he gets bored with changing diapers and getting up at night.


If you aren't responsible enough to think about protection, you're not responsible enough to have a child.

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YOu know what i really wasn't talking to you on this form to be chewed out and i really don't respect the fact you are ok with making people feel like crap...thanks a lot...


yup i made a mistake, but im sure you have made pleanty of mistakes along the road, please tell me if im mistaken...

I really don't come here to get advice that hurts my feelings, i don't do that to people here, and most of the people here im sure would agree with me.


I do have a way of paying for the child, and as of this very moment am taking my GED, and yup a GED isn't that impressive, but its something.

AND as for everyone being the right guy for me at 16 your wrong...

i have only really loved a guy in this way once, and i love luke a lot more then him...


I know if i really love a man because i have trouble trusting or haveing any feelings for men because frankly they scare the crap out of me, because i have been abused by them sense i was 6...sexually and hitting wise...

so please don't talk to me like that unless you ask me about it first.

thank all of you who have been nice about this...and im sure you had good intetions as well but please think about it next time before you go off saying stuff like that...

thankyou anywho.

love QTpie87

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I'm sorry but you never mentioned all the details in your first message. It was not my intention to make you feel like crap. All I said was that you should look at your situation and think not only about your own future but the child's as well.


Yes I have made MANY mistakes and I wish I could go back and fix things. I wish I had listened to my parents and other people who were offering me advice too [harsh or not].


Also, I've watched many of my friends make mistakes, get married right out of high school and have children. They are now quite unhappy and I wish that your situation turns out better for you than it has for them.


There are a few posts on this page you should take a look at too... about people who once were in your situation.



all the best


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