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How do I attract better looking women?


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Women have just as much of an entitlement issue. It's not limited to either gender. It's a generation thing.


Men have been entitled since the moment they set foot on this earth. If more women are entitled nowadays then yea, its a more recent thing. But if men want to remain with their self entitled attitudes, then its only fair that women are too. So when a man on here or anywhere else in life complains that women are to shallow or expect too much, yet he himself demands a supermodel...well he should keep quiet.


Two wrongs dont make a right but its pretty obvious these self entitled people are still going to exist, so you reap what you sow basically.

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I didn't say anyone was harsh on any gender.

My post before was relating to the OP and saying that his other posts really portray him as a tool who sees women poorly so that's why I think he's being superficial here.


Sorry for the confusion.

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Men have been entitled since the moment they set foot on this earth. If more women are entitled nowadays then yea, its a more recent thing. But if men want to remain with their self entitled attitudes, then its only fair that women are too. So when a man on here or anywhere else in life complains that women are to shallow or expect too much, yet he himself demands a supermodel...well he should keep quiet.


Two wrongs dont make a right but its pretty obvious these self entitled people are still going to exist, so you reap what you sow basically.



Don't act like women were never entitled until now. You bashed men in your prior post, but act like women can't do any wrong.

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To paraphrase Fudgie, you seem pretty harsh on men, and...well, no, I'd get in trouble for saying the second part.


I'm only telling the truth, regarding entitlement. Read a history book. Men were the "rulers" of planet earth up until what, the 60s? and even so they run the majority of things. Now when women start being more demanding in what they want in a partner, suddenly its not fair.


Everyday I read a new post on here about some guy who blames not just one, but all women for the problems in his life. Just look through this OP's previous posts as well. Maybe I wouldn't be so harsh if more men actually respected women as human beings and regarded them as less than objects and individuals rather than one entire being.


yea, I'd of been banned x50 is I said what I originally wanted to say too

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I'm only telling the truth, regarding entitlement. Read a history book. Men were the "rulers" of planet earth up until what, the 60s? and even so they run the majority of things. Now when women start being more demanding in what they want in a partner, suddenly its not fair.


lol @ rulers of the plant. There is more to history than textbook european/recent north american history. What about the indigenous tribes of the pacific (e.g. Papua New Guinea)? What about the aboriginals in north america? They were headed by females or had egalitarian rules in their communities.

Calm down. Don't hate on an entire other gender ("generally") because of bitterness for the situation of women.


It feels like the OP is gullible about the dating scene. He seems more confused (through reading his other posts) than harmful. Though, he could be a troll.

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I can agree with you on some points, randomgirl...there are some double standards in society and it sucks.


I don't think men belong on a pedestal but nor do women, even to "make up" for what we haven't had in the past. I think both sexes should be treated equally and with respect. That is the best thing to reaching gender equality all over. No one should settle but no one, male or female, should be expecting bombshells or dropping relationships JUST because someone isn't a perfect 10. I'd look down on ANYONE who does that, male or female.


And yep, I'm looking down on you, OP. As long as you keep going treating women like pieces of meat, you're not going to find anyone worth being with, gorgeous or not. Women who want healthy relationships and are worth your time aren't going to tolerate your bad attitude toward them or dumping them just because they don't resemble Jessica Alba.

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I'm only telling the truth, regarding entitlement. Read a history book. Men were the "rulers" of planet earth up until what, the 60s? and even so they run the majority of things. Now when women start being more demanding in what they want in a partner, suddenly its not fair.


Everyday I read a new post on here about some guy who blames not just one, but all women for the problems in his life. Just look through this OP's previous posts as well. Maybe I wouldn't be so harsh if more men actually respected women as human beings and regarded them as less than objects and individuals rather than one entire being.


yea, I'd of been banned x50 is I said what I originally wanted to say too



There's nothing truthful to what you said. Just because men had all the power until 40-50 years ago, doesn't make the gender entitled.

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There's nothing truthful to what you said. Just because men had all the power until 40-50 years ago, doesn't make the gender entitled.


I'm not sure about that.


It is true that males have generally had all the "power" til relatively recently...it does make sense to think that the fact would definitely have some influence in how they were raised and how they view themselves versus how girls are raised and their views. It's not like it's their fault...it's just how they were raised. In many cultures, it is still considered MUCH better to have a male than to have a female.


It's probably not as pronounced as America but I definitely think there is some of that "entitlement" feeling in some males here...probably because of how they were raised. And not all males are like that, just some.


Something to consider...as gender equality issues improve more in the future, I'm sure we're going to see this improve.

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How to attract an absolute knockout


1. Realize that she didn't start out that way. In fact, she probably had an awkward phase and was bullied non-stop in middle school and high school.


2. Have a clever one liner that you can use on her all the time. For tips I would look up Damon Salvatore on youtube. He's a vampire and they are ALL-THE-RAGE-RIGHT-NOW.


3. Go to a night club. No, seriously. People look more attractive in the dark. If you have to shine a bright light on her face it might reveal some flaw...something you simply cannot have with the perfect women.


4. Realize that her only good quality may be her looks. But hey-she looks great with that make-up and eye-liner on, eh?


5. Be hilarious.


6. Hope for the best.

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I'm not sure about that.


It is true that males have generally had all the "power" til relatively recently...it does make sense to think that the fact would definitely have some influence in how they were raised and how they view themselves versus how girls are raised and their views. It's not like it's their fault...it's just how they were raised. In many cultures, it is still considered MUCH better to have a male than to have a female.


It's probably not as pronounced as America but I definitely think there is some of that "entitlement" feeling in some males here...probably because of how they were raised. And not all males are like that, just some.


Something to consider...as gender equality issues improve more in the future, I'm sure we're going to see this improve.



If men are entitled, then so are women. Neither gender is more entitled than the other. Hell most people in general are these days.

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Maybe. I'm just saying...thus far, the two genders aren't quite equal yet in terms of how society views them so I would expect some differences in attitudes of those of different genders. It's just natural.


Lots of people are entitled in the USA. I haven't seen it elsewhere. I think it comes from a REALLY luxurious lifestyle, not enough time outside, and not enough hardship. But that's just me

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