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I don't know what to think: my boyfriend has viagra...


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I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months and we started to have sex 3 months ago. I'm very inexperienced sexually while he's pretty experienced. Today after he left for work I prepared to go back to my own place, when I put my cosmetic bag back into his drawer as usual, I saw a little blue pill right on top of a bunch of messy things (socks, plastic bag, paper, etc). It has no wrapping paper and I realised it's a viagra pill then. I was pretty shocked as he didn't seem like a person who needed viagra, he never had any erection problem as far as I know. I picked the pill up and it's kind of dirty with some stuff sticking on it. When I put it back, I saw a small box next to it, it's an unopened box of viagra.


This box was prescribed at the very beginning of this year, one month before we first dated, and according to my boyfriend, the last time he had sex before knowing me was around new year. It seems like he used to have viagra but for some reasons (e.g. broke up with his ex) he never opened this box.


I honestly don't know what to think now. He's only 34 and is very healthy. He jogged and worked out a lot, eats well and never failed in bed before. We had sex 3-4 times a week.


I really appreciate some "knowledge" here. Do guys store viagra "just in case"? Or do they take viagra just to be even better? I'm very confused and I have no idea if he's still taking them now. Should I talk to him about this?



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Viagra isn't necesarily for only the people that can't get it up ever. Sometimes even normal guys have problems getting it up, and that's just one way of overcoming that. Also, even if you can get it up normally and never have problems, taking something like that will definitely improve whatver you already got going...so it's either a backup or a spicer upper, don't take this the wrong way.

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I wouldn't worry too much. It's basically a condition where you cannot generate proper blood flow to allow for the erection. Viagra helps with that.


He may need it occasionally or every time. He may have had difficulty with achieving an erection last year and it ended up resolving itself. Or maybe he still needs it now and you just stumbled on an unopened box.


I wouldn't ask him as you may embarrass him. A year from now, if he hasn't told you, then I'd ask him about it. It's still early in your relationship and some guys could take this as a major hit to their self esteem.

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Yeah it's not a big deal. It's not like he can't have an erection at all the Viagra gives him one. It's not like that. It just helps with the vessel dilation in that area so he can better have and maintain an erection. Lots of guys use it.


I definitely wouldn't ask either. He may be embarrassed.

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I've posted this in another section but then I thought this should be a relationship issue, not a physical issue, so here it is.


My bf of 5 months lets me use his drawer to store some of my stuff. Yesterday I saw a dusty blue pill in the drawer on top of some messy stuff with no wrapping...and a box of 4 viagra pills which was unopened beside it. I remembered when he cleaned his drawer yesterday, he picked up something small and blue and threw it back. He must think I didn't know what it is.


I'm quite shocked and honestly don't know what to think, we have no sex issues at all! We have sex 3-4 times a week, sometimes in the morning or the middle of a day. He NEVER has any problem before.


There's a label with his name on the unopened box, it's ordered from an online pharmacy just about the time we first met online. He told me before he was not seeing or sleeping with anyone at that time. We met in person one months later and started to have sex two months after. We're exclusive from the beginning.


I'm very confused as I don't know what to think now. Does this mean he was lying about not seeing anyone at that time? Or does it mean he used to have erection issues-but why a 4 pills' pack? Isn't that the most expensive per pill pack? I'm kind of worried he's having them as recreational drugs as he very occasionally did it (not viagra though). But I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring it up. I'd appreciate some inputs, thanks!

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Why don't you just ask him?

I mean, you weren't snooping - it was in a drawer where you were also keeping your stuff.

I realize that might be an awkward question to ask him, but if you want to know I don't know any other way to find out.

You might even be jumping to conclusions.. who knows his reasoning?

Just ask him if he takes viagra.. I don't see the harm.

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I think you are putting too much thought into this. Welcome to the real world.


First off, to my knowledge, Viagra cannot be used recreationally for any other purpose then to augment your sexual "prowess". So if you are sure, he is not using any other illegal drugs, on that issue, you can relax.


Secondly, believe it or not - this may not be common knowledge for women - but many, many men use Viagra. It doesn't always mean they have erection problems, or that they are seeing someone else. Many times, as is in the case with many men I know who use it, it is a way to increase the passion, fun and excitement of the sexual act for their partner and themselves.


Again, if he is clean of all other illegal drugs and treats you right, I really don't see this as a big issue. However, if it bothers you and you want him to explain further, did he not give you permission to use his drawer? So he should then not be surprised you found it, just ask him about it.



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I got 'em too...

I can't speak for him, but sometimes dudes just want to see what the fuss is all about. A young lady I know got me a sample pack from the Dr she worked for and I tried them out. It was a nice, weekend long marathon session, but it's clearly not something to do all the time at this age (26 at the time which means I was good for 3-4 times a day anyway)... unless you like not being able to roll over at night ;-)

It's been almost 4 years and I still have a few from the sample pack and use them rarely...and half them when I do use them. I don't think it means anything about you or someone else or anything regarding a sexual relationship... probably just experimenting... 'specially considering the size of the pack and the fact they came from online and probably without a scrip...

BUT it might be a good idea to ask since it is bothering you; if you ask about them, he may ask if you're interested in experimenting with him???

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^I didn't feel that hard to bring this up, but then some other people told me that I'd hurt his ego by bringing up this kind of personal issue. I can't imagine how embarrassed a guy would be if I ask him about viagra pills he bought online if he really has erection issues (even it's not with me)...any guys here?

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^I didn't feel that hard to bring this up, but then some other people told me that I'd hurt his ego by bringing up this kind of personal issue. I can't imagine how embarrassed a guy would be if I ask him about viagra pills he bought online if he really has erection issues (even it's not with me)...any guys here?


Try this:


"Honey, I noticed this pill when I put my stuff away in your drawer. Is that viagra sugar snacks? You planning on using that on me?"


If he is giving you access to his personal space and not hiding things, then it is probably open for discussion. If not, maybe he needs some Ginko to go with that?

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