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Like beating my head against the wall.

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She's gone, she's not coming back...

She's gone, she's not coming back...

She's gone, she's not coming back...


As often as I repeat those words in my head, I just can grasp the reality of it. A whole 9 months(has it really been that long) later and I am still torturing myself with this faded memory of a person I really didn't know. Long Distance is a receipt for disaster especially when your the half that get left behind as your memories and feelings fade. Her number, photos and anything else that act as a horrible reminder have been deleted forever from my phone and the pain is totally manageable these days except when I have this emotional free falls that bring it back to the forefront. I just desperately want to move on more then anything. Piecing my life back together is my number one priority but this feels like something deeper, something I have no control over and that really worries me.

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I fell you... I have been in the exact situation (started together and then moved into LD for my studies, she dumped me and never saw me again). I am two years out and I still struggle with life (if it helps you to know that you are not alone in this)


Only if you can convince yourself that she didn't care enough about you, you can move on. In my case it became a little difficult.


Anyways.... we need to move on ... soon...

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when you accept the fact that thats how life is and your better then that and you want to prove to the world that you are then thats when you can move on. accept, understand, and forgive my friend.




Also you need to get back to loving yourself ASAP and letting this one go out of your life.

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