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I am in a dilemma and need help.

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I few months ago my girlfriend who I was in a ldr with went back to her ex-husband who cheated on her and put his hands on her. The link with details is here:




She is in the military and has been gone on deployment for a couple of months. I get a phone call this morning and it is her. She basically asks how i am doing, tells me that I was right about everything (her loving me; him being no-good and would cheat on her again; etc) and that she loves me. I have for the most part moved on but i would not mind later having the option of being with her. I really don't know what this email means. I'm think he either did something wrong or she has finally been able to think by herself and realize what she wants. She has never had an extended period of time where she was single since they got married.. She doesn't come back for another 5 months so for me nothing could possibly happen before then. I don't even really know if she would actually leave him permanently. I would really appreciate any advice on this. I am thinking of saying:


"To be honest, I really don't know what your email means. I am good though thanks"


Thank you in advance for your help

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