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I really need some advice on my relationship


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I think the whole 'no one is perfect' line DOES NOT apply to this situation. When I hear that, I think ok he leaves socks on the floor, and sometimes forgets to put the milk back in the fridge...piddly little things...because sure..no one is perfect.


What he's doing to is, is absurd. He's abusing you to a certain extent, and treating you poorly. That doesn't come from him not being perfect.


The words you used to describe him are shocking, and makes me question why one would EVER want to remain with someone who treats them that way.


If you can't leave, get some professional help to realize how unhealthy and wrong this relationship is, and to build up proper self esteem and self respect to leave this man behind.

you're both right - I need to work out how to leave. And I'm not telling you the half of it.

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I'm so astonished that this is your choice for your life. You're betting on being an unhappy old lady when you're an unhappy young lady with the choice to leave now and spare yourself the pain. You said you were willing to look at how you can be responsible for this but then when I gave you an example you retored that you "don't hate him" which was actually a quote from your original post. Yes, YOU are responsible for your ultimate happiness or lack thereof. Just look at what you say here..."I can't leave"..."I am unhappy"..."I often cry myself to sleep"...you wonder what a 70 year old you would say to yourself and I wonder what the PRESEND DAY YOU is saying to yourself to justify living an unhappy life.

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