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Pat on the back


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I would like to say, for all of you that make it your job to save someone from suicide, how human of you! You have little resources stopping suicide over the internet, but you do it any way. You take it as your personal job, to let that one person that came here for help, know he is not alone and to guide him back onto his path. When I watch the world around me, I sometimes only see the negative things around me, but when I come here I see the good, the possibilities. If someone says there is no more good in the world, remind them of these posts here, let them read the next 1000 posts on this site. This is another great example of how great the human race is and what we could possibly be. Everyone pulling together and caring more about another human being and giving your time and your support and your advice and your empathy, it makes a difference. I just want to say thank you, I have something to live up to.

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wow, you're easy to please. Honestly I think about suicide quiet often and if I ever post on here about it, a few posts telling me that things will get better won't really help me. I mean, when someone wants to commit suicide (usually the more mature folks, younger ones do it for all stupid reasons sometimes), they probably have really thought it over (or so I hope) and they know there is a slight chance for them, if any.

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