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Should I wait?


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I'm 22. I've been with lots of guys. Only two were serious, all the others were just guys I messed with or dated on the side for a month or two. The serious relationships I had were disasters. Cheating, arguing, fist fighting, etc. One is here and we just finished arguing cause he wants cold beers NOW and I don't want to go to the store at 2am when he could put the ones he has in the freezer. That's a everyday thing when he's here. When I was messing around, I convinced myself that sex was all guys would want me for. I snapped out of that though once I ''changed'' and stopped messing around.


One is here? Meaning there is a guy staying with you now?? This is like some sort of addiction to any kind of male attention, then if you are worrying about the guy with the 2 kids and just happen to have another guy staying with you. its like you will do whatever for whatever guy gives you the time of day.


Well - just look at it this way. If you never spoke to the main guy of this subject again and decided not to date for 2 years, you'd be 24 and still have many years to be able to marry, have babies, etc. He is far from your last chance. If your relationships have been disasters or guys you messed around with, its time to get some help to get strong and to have better discernment. In fact, I recommend just focusing on yourself for awhile. The "amount" of guys doesn't mean a thing. It seems like you really have not had a one on one relationship of mutual respect.


Back in high school I was like that. Now I know I deserve better.


Again, you are saying "i used to be like that, but its not like that now." It IS like that now - you are proving it by even thinking about this guy. And you are making no moves to "deserving better" with a drunk guy at your place who isn't someone you think of enough to have even mentioned before to hold you over.

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He doesn't live with me. I have the house to myself so he's just staying to keep me company and watch the pets while I'm at school. There's no feelings there. We sleep in separate rooms.


Well - he's staying to keep you company. Unless he is paying rent that you need, why not try feeling comfortable with yourself for once? Its hard for some people to come home to an empty house, but you develop some good skills of dealing with silence, when all you hear is what is cycling around in your head, and learning to entertain yourself and not "need" anyone as well. The pets will be fine. You can have him just let them out once a day or come home during classes. Cats don't need constant supervision and dogs are okay if left alone a few hours.

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I don't think anything anyone says is getting through to you. I think you are just going to do what you want with this guy and eventually he will burn you hard enough that you will have had enough and walk away. I just hope for your sake that you don't get pregnant by him and drag yet ANOTHER kid into this mess.:sad:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: I'm not pregnant, but he's having another kid from her. She's about 8 weeks now, and I had to find that out by reading something she wrote on his page, cause I guess it must have slipped his mind every time we spoke since he was too busy saying how he wanted to be with me and all the stuff he wants to do when I go up there. He's such a a$$

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Update: I'm not pregnant, but he's having another kid from her. She's about 8 weeks now, and I had to find that out by reading something she wrote on his page, cause I guess it must have slipped his mind every time we spoke since he was too busy saying how he wanted to be with me and all the stuff he wants to do when I go up there. He's such a a$$


NOW will you stop communicating with him? Is this finally enough of a reason? Please cancel any plans you have to be with him or live near him. The best thing you can do is to block him on facebook so you can't read about him and he can't read about you, don't answer his calls, etc. Just end it. I know that you may say you care or will talk to him and not let him get very far but someone who is manipulative can easily get back in the zone.

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