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Am i looking into this too deeply


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Hi guys, well my relationship of 6 months has really had its ups and downs over the past months but I have to say i really feel like in the last month we have turned a corner and we seem to be working more. It was my birthday last week and he made a real effort and bought me a thoughful present so all in all ive been happier than ever!


Anyway ive just been on the dreaded facebook and seen 5 weeks ago he posted on his friends wall talking about an event (a massive party at a racecourse) which was happening in our city. His friend was asking if he went but he said he was away but his exact words were "no I didnt go but dave went and said it was full of totty... next time!" Hmmm now am i over reacting in maybe being a tad upset about this?

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Some times there is such a thing as lads talk it doesnt mean he is straying just that he is being one of the boys the same as girls get together on ocasion and moan about their boyfriends without much cause, or appreciate a good looking guy that walks past, you dont see it in a serious way.

Unless your boyfriend has the intention of going to 'pull' a girl then you shouldnt worry to much, every relationship has some insicurity you just have to chose the ones you bring up otherwise you may just appear to be needey.

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