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damaged for good...wow

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I am soo stressed right now...I need to vent..Just found a job finally I hate it...so much stuff happened and these people treat the workers like slaves...I have anger issues...I feel like its not safe if I stay here im gonna hurt someone...I have nothing against spanish people....im white and I pretty much only date spanish guys, but these people I work with are ignorant...I dont even know where to post this...lol....then Im kinda seein this awesome guy....hes been amazing...but I keep thinkin bout my jerk ex....whyy? I have a nice guy right in front of me.. Everything always comes back to me thinkin about this jerk....we dont even talk havent talked to him in months...hes really a scumbag player....why do I still think about him once a day? I need to keep this job...I still live with my father I want to be independent....but I really feel like im bein talked down to, and I dont like it at this job...what should I do....today at work people were bein so ignorant I just wanted to hit someone and I was so mad I started to cry not becuz I was upset but becuase I was that angry...

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The problem is that woman often mistake jerks for cool guys, but when you mature you understand that those guys should not be a part of your life, its not confidence, or love, its just pure misery.


Do yourself a favor and quit that job, move on to a better job asap, move on to living in a better place asap. Life is like a bus, if your not going in the right way, get off asap, and get on a bus that takes you to a place where you DO want to be. You don't have to live in this miserable hell hole, get yourself a life. And draw border lines, you have got nothing to do with those other workers, your life is your problem, their life is their problem, if they bring something nasty in your life, don't bottle things up and explode, NO go to them and tell them what they are doing wrong.

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