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I lie here numb and wait for feeling


I don't know what to think or what to say


I'm paralized from all the emotions


I'm just a kid


But I can tell you




Like being stabbed in the back by a best friend




Like having no friends to BE stabbed in the back by




All these feelings hard to explain




I look happy to you but saddness builds up inside




Two people in this brain the first called minipulation the second name is....




I can't explain this any better



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thats something i could have once lived also well experianced, i enjoyed reading it, because you seemed to show the hurt others experiances but the gifts they had to experiance it, if that makes sense at all? almost like a treasuring of others experiances because nothing in your life could come near so thereforeeee those who take for granted actually have the world at their feet they just dont see it.


anyway, unique poem,


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