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Constant urinary problems???

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I have had urinary problems since I was 14, I'm 30 now. They have ranged from burning before and after I urinate to feeling like I always have the urge to go. Lately I can actually feel particles flowing out and it hurts like hell. It generally happens towards the end of urinating, almost like there is trash in my urine. I have had a few prostate infections in my life and have had UTI's frequently but this seems different due to the "trash" in my urine. I have been taking doxycycline for 3 months now but it is prescribed for skin breakouts. What could this be?

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Have you been to see a Urologist? What color are the particles?


It sounds like it could be kidney stones. I think you should get yourself to a doctor pronto.

Its weird, I can feel the particles but cant see them. I used to go to the urologist when I would get infections but would always just get some antibiotics and be sent home.

In the past when I would have the burning, stinging type infections I could see the solid particles and they were a light, white color.

I guess it could be stones, I just always assumed they would be larger, and unbearably painful.

I can actually feel the particles in my penis(gross) sometimes after I pee, especially when I cough. Any other thoughts? Thanks.

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