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What do I do when he comes back into my life?

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My ex and I broke up at the beginning of summer break. We tried talking for a few weeks but I was still broken hearted and he was hurting me worse every day, so I cut off contact with him. I've been going strong with NC for about 2 months now. I still owe him money and he has some of my belongings at his house but I've been delaying contacting him for as long as possible.


However, when I move back on campus in a few weeks' time, I'll be sharing a house with 2 of his good friends, and he'll be sharing an apartment with 2 of my good friends. I don't plan on cutting off ties to my friends just to avoid him, and I don't expect he'll want that either. But I'm not sure if I can stomach seeing him again. When I broke up with my first ex, I still saw him every weekday because we had classes together, and it was very painful and damaging. Granted, I hadn't had a few months of NC to help me heal, but I still don't know if I'm ready for this guy to be back in my life right now.


I've been going through a lot of bad luck and awful stress recently, and I'm terrified that this will only make things worse. I can't stop him from coming over to our house if my housemates invite him so I know seeing him is likely inevitable - plus, we work on a magazine together, so he'll be present at meetings/work sessions/parties for that. I'm not going to change my life to avoid him, I just don't know how to cope help?

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Wow, I'm in a scary similar situation. My ex broke up with me, has a new guy, but is coming up to live where I used to live (technically we still live here together. Weird timing and university contracts, etc.) and I'm going to be not a stone's throw away. Same campus, same buses.


I think... you just try to treat it like someone you know is there. Don't keep an eye out, don't do anything. Talk to your friends, avoid mentioning the relationship, or if you do try to remove yourself from it as much as possible and keep it short. It stinks having the friends all mixed up, though. That's a bit weirder than my position even.... and my position's pretty freaky!

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