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Am I reading his actions wrong?


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Ok, so I've finally reached a happy point-put all the ex drama behind me, feel good about work, my body etc.

I've met this one guy in passing a couple times and have seen him fairly frequently the past month. At a meeting, he made it a point to sit next to me. On the train ride home, he also made it a point to sit next to me when he could've sat next to a different girl. One day, he would just keep looking at me, at point talking to me and looking into my eyes (in a non creepy way). Another day I jokingly said that my job involved standing there and looking cute and he said 'now we know how you got where you are".

Without giving too many details away, I just don't know if I'm reading things wrong or if he's just flirting. My last two guy situations were awful and I think I'm just trying to convince myself that this new guy is going to be like the last two.

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Seems positive - are you making it clear you are interested?


sort of. I just didn't know how to take everything at first. Just assumed the worst, i guess.

But the past couple times, i've made it a point to be around him....i just want to make sure im not taking things the wrong way before i step it up.

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true, but I'm pretty interesting and have a lot more personality and spunk than most women I've come accross in our city. no problem then. You must have guys lining up, I am surprised this guy even managed to find a vacant seat next to you. But if you are interested in him he may need more encouragement as he probably thinks you are 'out of his league'.
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Well, no problem then. You must have guys lining up, I am surprised this guy even managed to find a vacant seat next to you. But if you are interested in him he may need more encouragement as he probably thinks you are 'out of his league'.


haha I'm just myself-outgoing and whatnot and don't pretend to be anything I'm not. I suppose that's what guys like?


He's a good looking guy though, and we have a lot in common.

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