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NC ... Hmmm?

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Hello beautiful people.


So I am here on day 27 of NC.. just on the cusp of 4 weeks and apart from breaking NC once to make a ridiculous phone call that lasted 13 minutes with practically 8 words uttered between us, there has been nada. Nothing from him, nothing from me.


I read posts from people here who hear from their ex 5 days in and stuff....


Where are you in your NC journey, have you heard from the ex? Have you broken NC? And most importantly, how are YOU feeling?


Oh to have a magic crystal ball that will show how I feel 2 months from now.......


We must keep going peeps!! Stay away from their phone number/email address/work/home etc...


I really wish I could drop kick him from my head. Just, boof, bye! ](*,)

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Everyone keeps asking if he has called, but no, he hasn't. And I don't think he will.


Hi words months before he dumped me;

"If for some reason we break up, I would like us to be friends in a few years time."


So I am safe for at least 2 more years!


How do I feel? NC is good for me, it helps to forget things, and I will be all ok in a few weeks, I know. Doing really well. And I am breaking NC soon.


Good luck to you x

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Hello beautiful people.


So I am here on day 27 of NC.. just on the cusp of 4 weeks and apart from breaking NC once to make a ridiculous phone call that lasted 13 minutes with practically 8 words uttered between us, there has been nada. Nothing from him, nothing from me.


I read posts from people here who hear from their ex 5 days in and stuff....


Where are you in your NC journey, have you heard from the ex? Have you broken NC? And most importantly, how are YOU feeling?


Oh to have a magic crystal ball that will show how I feel 2 months from now.......


We must keep going peeps!! Stay away from their phone number/email address/work/home etc...


I really wish I could drop kick him from my head. Just, boof, bye! ](*,)



I've done a little over 2 months of no contact so far. I heard from my ex 1 week after I started NC, and 1 month after that. But, now it's been another month, and I've heard nothing. I didn't respond to either of his contacts, as I wanted to stay NC, and didn't feel ready. I guess it's a good thing I did stay NC, because 3 weeks after we split he had a new gf, who he is still with today.


So, I haven't broken NC at all. I remember at exactly the month mark I hit my lowest point, and really worried that I should contact him or I would probably lose him as a friend. Luckily, I didn't, and I feel much better today. I still think about him everyday, but I haven't cried in awhile, and I see that as a plus.


You're only a month in, it will get better for you. Haha, I wish I could see how I'll be doing in about a month or two as well, but I guess we'll just have to wait it out. Best of luck to you!

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Hello beautiful people.


So I am here on day 27 of NC.. just on the cusp of 4 weeks and apart from breaking NC once to make a ridiculous phone call that lasted 13 minutes with practically 8 words uttered between us, there has been nada. Nothing from him, nothing from me.


I read posts from people here who hear from their ex 5 days in and stuff....


Where are you in your NC journey, have you heard from the ex? Have you broken NC? And most importantly, how are YOU feeling?


Oh to have a magic crystal ball that will show how I feel 2 months from now.......


We must keep going peeps!! Stay away from their phone number/email address/work/home etc...


I really wish I could drop kick him from my head. Just, boof, bye! ](*,)


I did a month or so early on, but we ended up talking. Then there came a day when felt that I had tried everything I could to get her back and I gave up. Up until a week ago when I sent a birthday card I hadn't contacted her, she hadn't contacted me and I haven't felt the urge to contact her. It was over 6 months of no contact


I'd say around 2 months of no contact you'll really start feel better, simply because it becomes routine and the norm. The first month, for me anyway, was a lot of questioning and forcing myself to forget about her. The 2nd month it became easier and my feelings had died down a lot. After that point, hopefully, you'll stop worrying about it and counting the days/months. You'll more than likely slip back a few times, but it will be easier to not contact them. If you have decided no contact is best for you - stay the course.

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Yesterday marked my 1 month of NC.


Surprisingly it has been a lot easier than I had expected. Partly because I had accepted the fact that she is no longer the person I want in my life. The things she's done to me have hurt me too much to forgive her and take her back. And on top of everything, she has a new boyfriend just 3 weeks after our split.

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I am on...67 days of NC, now that I look back on it.


Sometimes it seems so much longer than what it is, other times shorter. Never had the desire to break it, though. Each day it gets easier, the tug of the good memories a little more distant. I'm in a good place. I don't need to hurt myself intentionally.

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It's been just about 3 weeks now. He did contact me twice. The first time was a week after the break, the second time was a few days later to get my "new number" from my friend. I didn't give him my new number, and my friend hasn't either. So he hasn't been able to contact me AT ALL. My FB is deactivated. he doesn't know my email. He knows where I live, though, but due to his car situation doesn't have a real reliable way of getting over to me.


So safe to say he has NO way to contact me.


To be fair though, it wasn't a break up, just a "break" or some "space" apart from each other. For two weeks(his words).


After careful consideration, I realized that I was tired of the serial breaking up and that if we wanted a break it would be MUCH longer than 2 weeks and the only way I'd ever get back with him is if we both made the changes necessary to have a better relationship. I wrote him a letter and mailed it off last week, letting him know that.


Don't know what his reaction is--since he can't reach me.


But I plan on staying NC for at least 7/8 weeks before I text him my new number.

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53 days for me.


Have my ups and downs but all in all I'd say its been very hard.


I think its the loneliness more than anything.


Had a really bad nights sleep last night and have been really emotional all day and just had the first serious thoughts about contacting her in a long time.


The biggest thing going through my head is that it's up to me to fix things.


I cheated on her in March last year. She got a new boyfriend 3 weeks later and is still wit h him.


I spent a year making it up to her but in the end I lost.


The thing that has made it so hard for me to let go is that for that entire year she said she still loved me and wanted a future together.


Then one day a simple " I don't love you anymore. As for a future I don't know"


Last time I spoke to her after 43 days NC she cried to me and when I asked her about a future together she didn't say no.


Soooooooo, I got my hopes up only to get crushed again. We ended up having a massive fight a few weeks later which got pretty ugly. Managed to patch things up again but I still feel like we're on semi awkward terms.


53 days today and its still bloody hard.


I think the messier the breakup was the longer it takes to notice a difference in the way you feel through NC.

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Over two months. Very brief, meaningless contacts that I kept short and sweet. Besides that, nothing. D-day is coming, the next year of school is starting. While part of me is still hurt, still scared, this other part of me knows this whole "dealing with the ex" thing is gonna be quite the adventure


Everything's so weird. For those of you who know my story, it's getting weirder by the day. NOW, I'm living back where SHE lived last year, she's moving back in where WE lived this previous year, and I'm working where SHE used to work.... it's all so ***-backwards! It's so strange you couldn't pass it off in fiction.

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He requested NC 2 weeks after I moved out, said it was too hard to talk to me - that it brought up good and bad feelings.

I emailed a week later, to get some things off my chest. No response, but I didn't expect one.

A week after that I left him a voice mail message because I was angry that he'd tried to friend my girlfriend on Facebook. He called me back, and we talked. Said he loved an missed me, thought of me all the time. He was going into therapy.

Then again a few days later - this was when he wanted to possibly reconcile and go to therapy together.

Then emails for a few more days.

And then a massive fight 3 days after the reconcile/therapy conversation.

I sent another email, one line. Asking if we were going to do the divorce, and peacefully. No response.


Been 3 weeks now. I have no desire to talk to him or hear from him. I do not miss him. I do not want him. But, I still feel depressed, rejected, sad about the death of a marriage, etc.

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