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Frequent antibiotic use

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I've taken more antibiotics in the past 6 months than in the rest of my life combined. Maybe even double or triple the amount. I've had many infections including ears, UTIs and even an abscess which resulted in septicemia. The antibiotics have ranged from mild to super strong IV types.


As far as I can tell, I needed the antibiotics in each of these cases. I don't believe they were prescribed in an irresponsible manner. That said, I'm terribly concerned about the consequences of taking so many antibiotics in such a short space of time.


Does anyone know anything this or know whether I should be worried?

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well, it isn't the best. You should go and buy some probiotics in the health food store or a supplement store to restore your friendly bacteria in your stomach. and then you should go get some books on natural healing, and figure out why you are getting so many infections, and get some herbs to build up your system, and there are herbs to fight infections too.

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I agree with DC about the probiotics. Your gut is THE primary place to target when considering your body's overall immunity--I'd research this and learn why a breakdown of friendly bacteria in the gut can lead to a downward spiral in overall health and an increase in illnesses. Antibiotics wipe out your digestive balance and wreak havoc on your entire system. Prebiotics are one way to replenish this balance, along with amino acids taken before bed on an empty stomach to help repair your digestive lining. (Best I found is 'Natural GH Formula' by NSI through link removed, and it is NOT growth hormones, but rather essential amino acids to support your body's own production of those.)


I use 'Probiotic 15-35' (also by NSI) along with drinking or eating yogurt once or more per day. This not only straightened out my digestion, it has aided my absorption of nutrients in food and supplements. As I became increasingly sensitive to all kinds of foods, I had tried fiber alone, which did not help--the friendly flora is essential. Also consider Andrew Lessman's 'ProCaps' brand, he is more expensive but top quality.


Fingers crossed for you!

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Yikes! I'm clueless when it comes to natural healing. It might be because it's so hard to find reliable information on it. I really would like to know more. I wonder whether using them so much has caused me to keep getting infections? Scary thought.


Probiotics, huh? I will give it a shot. And I usually have yogurt every day, so I'm okay there.

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If you need them, then you need them. But now that you are well, you would best replenish your healthy bacteria so as to restore some natural balance in your body. One of the best ones to start with is Lactobacillus GG, a particular strain of the lactobacillus bacteria that has been well studied and it is known to make it past the ravages of digestive enzymes and stomach acids and is able to get down to your lower gastrointestinal tract. It then multiplies and colonizes there, lining the walls of the colon. When that happens, it takes up space along the walls and blocks unhealthy bacteria and parasites from having a place to get through.


The brand name of this is Culturelle, and you can get it online or at a pharmacy.


The next thing is prevention, and building up your immune system.


You might look into what supplements promote a healthy immune system. I am currently taking Vitamin D -- have you had your vit d levels checked lately? I live in Oregon (cloudy and little sun in the winters here) and they were abysmally low last year, and the bottle says it is good for your immune system. And getting out in the fresh air and sunlight each day for 15 minutes is supposed to be good for your immune system.


The next thing is: sleep. Sounds simple enough. But it is said that sleep is crucial to a good immune system.


Do you drink enough water each day? Water is needed to process foods and to get rid of other things your body does not need. If you do not drink enough water, you may be stressing it, which in turn may lower your immunities.


How much sugar do you take in each day? I believe sugar products can lower your immunities, so you might really look at that.


I have heard that meditation increases your immunity, although I have a hard time focusing on that...


Finally, you might look into getting trained for Reiki. You can do your own treatments and it is much like meditation and relaxation techniques. I spent some money for a Reiki I workshop and now I try to do my own Reiki treatments each day when I wake up. I used to pay someone to do Reiki when I was sick, but now I can do it myself and it seems to work!


Good health to you --

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Yikes! I'm clueless when it comes to natural healing. It might be because it's so hard to find reliable information on it. I really would like to know more. I wonder whether using them so much has caused me to keep getting infections? Scary thought.


Probiotics, huh? I will give it a shot. And I usually have yogurt every day, so I'm okay there.


Yes, first round of antibiotics can start a vicious cycle because your 'biotic' balance is compromised. You'll likely need more than yogurt to reverse this, but once you build your digestive system back up again you may be able to maintain with yogurt--just lots of it.

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I had my vitamin D level checked about 3 weeks ago. It was on the low side of normal and I've been taking a calcium/vitamin D supplement since. It's winter here, so my doctor said she expected it to be a little low. I've heard the benefits of taking the supplements, so I'm going to stick with it.


I'm okay with sleep. I usually get about 8-9 hours a night.


I've been trying to up my water intake. I have been drinking far too much juice and coffee. I'm going to make more of an effort there.


I definitely eat too much sugar. I have a devilish sweet tooth. It's so difficult to cut it out, but I know it needs to be done.


Strangely enough, I actually did go to one session of Reiki about a year ago. You should have seen me! I was glowing when I walked out of there. It was energizing and relaxing at the same time. I don't know why I never continued on with that. Maybe I should. I do have a lot of problems with anxiety and I know they don't help with the physical health.

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have you had a complete blood panel done? maybe they can figure out why you are getting sick often. do you have a job where you are exposed to lots of germs (school, day care center, hospital?)


in addition to probiotics in some form (yogurt), i think getting exercise and vitamins are important as well. are you getting enough sleep? stressed? i get sick easily when i am not sleeping enough.

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Strangely enough, I actually did go to one session of Reiki about a year ago. You should have seen me! I was glowing when I walked out of there. It was energizing and relaxing at the same time. I don't know why I never continued on with that. Maybe I should. I do have a lot of problems with anxiety and I know they don't help with the physical health.


Okay 2 things: they have found a correlation between low vit d levels and breast cancer. After I found I had low vit d (checked for the first time ever) I was diagnosed with bc one month later... I do not know how it all works, but I am definitely keeping that vit d level up from now on. (And I did not believe in supplements, as I tried to get everything from natural sources...).


As for the Reiki, I actually went to 2 different workshops with 2 different people. It was very helpful for me before and after my cancer surgery last summer. I do not know how it works, but one year later I am beginning to feel "heat" or some kind of energy from my hands... and I end up so peaceful afterwards. So Reiki is kind of like meditation for me, which is good because I have ADHD and the hands on thing seems to work for me...


It sounds like you are on a path to better health (like me!). Woo hoo, here's to great health for all of us!

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have you had a complete blood panel done? maybe they can figure out why you are getting sick often. do you have a job where you are exposed to lots of germs (school, day care center, hospital?)


in addition to probiotics in some form (yogurt), i think getting exercise and vitamins are important as well. are you getting enough sleep? stressed? i get sick easily when i am not sleeping enough.



I had a complete blood panel done a few weeks ago. Everything was fine, except that I had slightly elevated parathyroid hormone, which my doctor thinks is related to having lowish vitamin D. I've been instructed to take calcium/vitamin D supplements for the next month to see if it fixes the problem. If not, I have to get that test done where they inject the dye or whatever it is they do.


As for work, I am in contact with masses of people every day and a lot of them do not exactly look healthy. Many of them look downright disgusting. I try my best to wash my hands thoroughly before putting them anywhere near my face. I'm not sure how the germs from these people would get to my ears or downstairs, but I wonder whether they've lowered my overall immune system. Thankfully I've only had one cold since working here. My co-workers seem to get sick constantly.


I went and got some probiotics earlier. The lady at the health food store looked horrified when I told her how much I've taken in antibiotics and recommended something that is supposed to be quite good. I've got to say, I wasn't quite prepared for the price! It's still worth a try.


I'm getting plenty of sleep, but not a lot of exercise. I walk a lot because I don't drive, it's just not weight lifting or particularly strenuous exercise. I know I need both of those.

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I'm sorry to hear about your experience with breast cancer. I hope you're on the way to a speedy recovery. It must be tough thinking *I should have done this or that*.


From everything I've read on vitamin D supplements, there's maximum gain and minimum risk. I'll be keeping it up and getting some more sun when the weather gets warmer.


I don't know about this Reiki either. I'm not a spiritual person in any sense, all I know is I came out of there feeling like a million dollars. The effect is supposed to become greater the more you participate. Such an awesome feeling.


Here's to great health!

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[...] I went and got some probiotics earlier. The lady at the health food store looked horrified when I told her how much I've taken in antibiotics and recommended something that is supposed to be quite good. I've got to say, I wasn't quite prepared for the price! It's still worth a try. [...]


Excellent. This will aid your digestion and absorption of anything else you take. Good for you!

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In the last year I've taken Clindamycin, Azithromycin, Flucloxacillin, Amoxicillin (3 times), Amoxicillin Clavulanate (3 times), Ciprofloxacin, Cephalexin (4 times) and Levofloxacin. There was another, but the name escapes me. You get the idea. I think at least a couple of those are broad spectrum.

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