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Working through it

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I haven't posted here in a while, but was just thinking about the progress that's been made since I joined this forum. Things with my husband have been shaky but they've been BETTER than they have been in a long time. We're still not going to counseling--lots of avoidance issues there. But it feels like our bond has deepened and strengthened throughout all the troubles. He's been here for me in a way that nobody in my life ever has. We've vacationed together, moved into a new place, are creating new goals for the life we would like to have. I can't say things are 100% perfect. The passion is still pretty nonexistent, and I definitely have bouts of loneliness and doubt, but I'm beginning to wonder if this is just a matter of me growing up and learning to accept things as they are rather than as I wish they would be. We laugh together, we have a great friendship, and there's a solidity here that I can't imagine finding anywhere else. So my mantra of late is: Things may not be perfect, but if you focus on the good stuff, you'll see just how much you really have.

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Thats great, I also have my days like that.


Where is just okay, but most days I say he is my other half, we have eachothers back and I can tell him anything.


Have you guys tried something from your past? Something that you look back on and remember as a good time.

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The interesting thing is that I don't necessarily think things were better in the past qualitatively speaking. We actually have a much better relationship overall than we ever had in the past. But I think that when I was younger, I was actually satisfied with a lot less. Now I'm learning to alter my expectations and be realistic about what can and can't be fulfilled in a relationship. It's just one day at a time from here...

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I also have made those improvements recently, I always was me, me, me, and now Im learning to give to. That some things are just unrealistic to ask for or expect.


Like laughter and happiness 24/7, sometimes things do go wrong and are stressful, its how we work on it together is what makes the differance for us.

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