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Humour - NC's Funniest moments!!!


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Hi everyone


It has been quite a while since I have posted one of my 'humour' threads in this forum where I once again attempt to inject a bit of laughter and joy into this oft tear sodden thread. I take full responsibility for my insensitivity and my lack of compassion for fresh BUppers when posting here, but hey, I've been through what many of you are going though.


So all, I present to you


NC's funniest moments!


Surely keeping distance from your ex isn't all anguish, waiting by the phone, working on yourself blah blah y'know the shabbang.


I am sure you have all had some moments when keeping no contact that you look back at and giggle at, or perhaps may look back at and laugh.


I invite you all to post your funniest NC moments.



I begin with mine:


An entry from one of my logs

"...And here I am, sitting next to my ex after months of NC as we work on a project together. For months I've kept away from her and FB and here she is sitting next to me, with her FB page open, showing me the damn thing!"


I have more but will add later.


Have a great day all!



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My ex has 7 brothers and sisters.


I had to move cities for work and due to convenience/opportunity am now living and semi-partnered (in a professional sense) with my ex's sister and myself and her boyfriend have all become really good friends.


I tutor her little brother.


I collaborate in a band/record music for her older brother.


Her mum and my mum are friends and meet up for coffee in our old city.


Her best friend is dating one of my best friends.


And my ex is still living in another city with her rebound.


I swear I didn't plan any of this but you have to admit its pretty freaking weird.


Am I ever going to be able to detach from this girl??

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I was in NC when my ex, our mutual friends, and I went to trip outside of town. He ended up getting drunk and shouting to everyone why I refused to talk to him. When I was asleep, he mistook me for a another friend of ours and wrote on my foot with a marker.


... He ruined my pedicure. That jerk.

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He was the one that asked we stopped communicating "for now" and a few weeks in sent a game invitation for words with friends. In the invite he asked if it was ok if we played the game, as if it was my idea for the cease in communication. Semi funny and completely mind boggling.

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Well, not really related directly towards no contact... but I would say the breakup/aftermath for me has brought me to the most effective weight loss plan I ever have tried:


The Stress Diet


The results are fantastic... 25 pounds down, bodyfat % down to the 14-15 range from probably 19-20.


-Loss of appetite means fewer calories!

-Greater stress means having to dramatically increase activities to manage it!


however,.... I do not recommend this Diet at all! Anyone who has tried it will agree

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LOL, brandnewday! I hear ya about "The Breakup Diet" is what I call it. I too lost so much weight and you know, I personally never felt so good. Yes, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.


Continuing with the thread, I have a second career that I can fall back on if I wanted too! I have mentioned it in my other posts but I took a cake decorating class immediately after my break up. Not only was it fun and got my mind off my break up, it's another career path for me to choose if I ever get tired of my first career. And all thanks to a broken heart!

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LOL, brandnewday! I hear ya about "The Breakup Diet" is what I call it. I too lost so much weight and you know, I personally never felt so good. Yes, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.


Continuing with the thread, I have a second career that I can fall back on if I wanted too! I have mentioned it in my other posts but I took a cake decorating class immediately after my break up. Not only was it fun and got my mind off my break up, it's another career path for me to choose if I ever get tired of my first career. And all thanks to a broken heart!


Cheers, and congrats on the new endeavor! I think I've only been in this shape once before in my life - hopefully I'll be able to maintain this time even without the stress.


I will say I'm starting to take TS's mindset and look to the non-serious side of things; live in the moment and rediscover the humorous side of things

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The Stress Diet


The results are fantastic... 25 pounds down, bodyfat % down to the 14-15 range from probably 19-20.


-Loss of appetite means fewer calories!

-Greater stress means having to dramatically increase activities to manage it!


however,.... I do not recommend this Diet at all! Anyone who has tried it will agree


Brandnewda747, that was mint! Please start another separate thread. I have some additions to make as well to that. Surpasses that of the Atkins and other faddy crap!


I will say I'm starting to take TS's mindset and look to the non-serious side of things; live in the moment and rediscover the humorous side of things


I have to admit, at times I can go over the top and lack tact. I guess the best thing would be to have the ideal balance of adequate humour, while maintaining respect to life and its tribulations. I would certainly not find anything to laugh about someone's mother dying of cancer, a friend giving birth to a stillborn child or anything along those lines...until perhaps time has passed and I was writing a comedy on that.


Having said that, I guess it is better we laugh it all away!


As positive as we all attempt to remain at times, it can get to us in one super blast, all those negative emotions. But I can't...nay, I refuse to let those negative emotions dominate my life...as hard as it may be in the initial stages of a BU.


Brandnewday47, I read your last couple of posts in the NCchallengepart2 and how you let rip the tears in front of those close to you.


Eventually I'll work towards these things, and when I'm ready I'm sure my outlook will be better. For now though I don't think it would be fair to me or the potential new person as I'm not ready at this point. I have a tendency these days to dwell on the negative, and that for me has got to be the number one thing to change. Once I am there, my outlook will be much improved.


Crazy I havent' had a breakdown like that in a while.. guess that was a signal that I've still got work to do (even though I have been progressing over these months).


You are right not to pursue anything until you are ready. It took me a while to realise that I ought to sort myself out before having anyone else in my life...ex included.

I guess during any breakup, a majority of us always tend to dwell on the pooey stuff. I guess it is a good thing in a way, cos once the aha moment arrives we look back and think wwooooooooooot??!!! All that fuss, for what?!!!

A breakdown like that can mean a whole load of things: subdued emotions, the need to work on things, anything. You're on the right track buddy. I guess we all are. together.

Wishing you well.



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Another story.


Friday: Ex and I breakup. NC begins (I have to admit, to get her missing me...but also to deal with the pain)

Saturday: Euphoria

Sunday: Depression

Monday: Confusion

Tuesday: Ex's birthday...and my reluctance to text/message her...


Wednesday morning: I go on the train to uni. It is crowded. As I approach uni, people trickle off.


She is standing there in her distinct peach coat.


I miss her so much, she stands there.


I walk up to her and say...


Can't remember, but whatever happened, the funny thing was me asking her out to dinner 5 days after us BUpping.


Why funny? Cos I was a confused lemon making odd decisions motivated by a clouded mind and broken heart.


Watching the scene play out on a screen would have demonstrated the humour of it all.



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I have to admit, at times I can go over the top and lack tact. I guess the best thing would be to have the ideal balance of adequate humour, while maintaining respect to life and its tribulations. I would certainly not find anything to laugh about someone's mother dying of cancer, a friend giving birth to a stillborn child or anything along those lines...until perhaps time has passed and I was writing a comedy on that.


Having said that, I guess it is better we laugh it all away!

As positive as we all attempt to remain at times, it can get to us in one super blast, all those negative emotions. But I can't...nay, I refuse to let those negative emotions dominate my life...as hard as it may be in the initial stages of a BU.


Like everything in life, it is a balance. When I first met my ex, I was a lot more easy going and didn't let things beat me down like I have over the last half year. At this point it just isn't healthy to be negative about this particular situation - I've done that in my mind for long enough. Not really advocating making light of everything in life - but during breakups, especially if we were connected to someone then we tend to let our personalities skew towards the ugly/negative side. Just getting it back into proper balance and not so negative gives us great perspective and I think really helps us regain our sense of self.




A breakdown like that can mean a whole load of things: subdued emotions, the need to work on things, anything. You're on the right track buddy. I guess we all are. together.

Wishing you well.




Thanks man, since that happened on Friday I've actually been feeling a lot better. Probably I've been holding this stuff in and just squelching it; something I've done all my life. A lot of my issues now aren't really related to her as much as fears of mine, the unknown future, etc. But in a sense that will actually be an interesting adventure in itself from here on out. This was probably something I needed to happen for my own sanity. The healing might have slowed down really after having been in office contact with her for a while. Officially getting a month completely away (and only three contacts in the previous month, so borderline two) has done wonders and I think this weekend I'm finally seeing the unknown future as a good thing and not a bad thing


Brandnewda747, that was mint! Please start another separate thread. I have some additions to make as well to that. Surpasses that of the Atkins and other faddy crap!


That's really good idea... I'll make some modifications, and post this later in the week!

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Oh I almost forgot about my ex surprisingly bringing me breakfast one day in May. At the time it completely confused and bewildered me. Now it makes me laugh as other than the easing of guilt I'm not sure what the heck that meant... and yeah the look on her face, when she could barely make eye contact and couldn't wait to drop it off then get away. Strange indeed, and now that I look back it is pretty funny... but I STILL think.. huh?


As a side note, I had already eaten breakfast that day anyway

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I was working at my mum's lingerie shop and a lady came to buy boxer shorts for her man. I asked her his size she said "large" and I kinda stared into space, drifted and said with a sad sigh "like my ex..." lololol great service.

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