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Not the way I had NC planned

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Gonna make this short as possible,


-Ex-gf broke it off in January. Why? She said she had "doubts" of us. But apparently, she has had these "doubts" in all of her previous relationships.

-We still talk everyday, and she still loves me and I still love her.

-When I talk to to other girls, she gets a little upset. When I am seen with other girls (such as pictures on FaceBook) she can get upset and be mad. I'm assuming this is jealousy.

- I have come on here many times, asking for help and I have gotten very wise advice in return. I tried NC for a week, and it did work. Heck, I even suggested it to my friend haha.


She told me that she was going to miss me so much, when she went up north for a week. I thought this would work great for me. I won't have to worry about NC as much, since she will be away. And she can see what it is like without me for a week. But, they have internet access up there and she can still contact me, so I don't know what to do. I want to show her what it is like without me, but without me ignoring her?


I know, it's confusing. Thanks guys!

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The only way she'll get an idea of what it is like to be completely without you is to stop talking to her. If you want out of this relationship limbo, you have to go no contact, sorry. Say something like "I can't be in this half-relationship anymore, so we should probably spend time apart to figure out what we want." She was the one that broke it off, so unless she's asking to get back together and work on it again, say that you can't be just friends. Try to keep yourself occupied as best you can, just move on and see it as a bonus if she does come back.

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You're not showing her the consequences of her decision to breakup with you by being in contact, and talking every day. You have made it loud and clear to her that you're willing to settle for crumbs, and have her anyway you can.


This is not meant to sound harsh, but why should she try to get back together with you, when she sees that you'll settle for less than what you deserve?

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You're not showing her the consequences of her decision to breakup with you by being in contact, and talking every day. You have made it loud and clear to her that you're willing to settle for crumbs, and have her anyway you can.


This is not meant to sound harsh, but why should she try to get back together with you, when she sees that you'll settle for less than what you deserve?


This is very true. I am now angry at myself for letting myself become a victim was again because I am too nice. I will no longer communicate. I am tired of walking on egg shells and always having painful apprehensions.


Sorry, needed to vent haha

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LonelyJedi, don't feel bad. You wanted to be with her because you still love her so what you did was natural. It's hard to make that conscious choice to go no contact, but tomorrow is a new day. Good luck, and I hope it works out for you.

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