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A simple thank you to all of you

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I just wanted to thank you guys for reading through all my whining, and keeping me grounded when I was in lala land hoping to win my ex back.

I was reading through some of my first forums on here, and I see a lot of the same members helping me out.

I'm on ___th day of NC. I can't remember, I stopped counting.


NC has been difficult, and I would be lying if I said I don't miss my ex still but it's getting easier.

I've posted lots of forums about my ex. It makes me look a bit psychotic, to be honest...uhhh Man, what was I thinking?! But each and every one of you guys gave sound advice, and helped me through the most difficult breakup I have ever gone through.

I never would have expected such a welcoming forum when I signed up. I feel like ENA is like a tight knit family, I wished I found you guys earlier.

I remember the reason I posted on here. It was when my ex first contacted me during my initial NC, and was acting all funny posting a pic of a teddy I gave him and emailing me the next day.

It's been a long journey, and I know there are many tough days to come. I'll probably end up posting some more ridiculous threads in the future, but I know you'll all be there to keep me in check.


Just wanted to send out a simple thank you, and I appreciate all your advice!


Happy healing, everyone!

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So glad you're feeling better; I remember you from the bad old freshly broken up days and it's great to hear you're feeling so chirpy

And don't worry about all the threads, whatever helps you heal is what you have to do. I find that reading over threads I've started and things I choose to post on shows me where my head was at and really gets me thinking about what I need to work on; it really shines a light on where your insecurities may lie

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Cherry, you've got a lot of people rooting for you. You are doing great these days and I'm sure you'd be able to help out plenty of other people if you stuck around to offer advice.


Please don't feel bad about the threads. If they help even one person out in the future, it's all worth it, right?

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so how long you been broken up for??? how were you doing at two months if you are that far along?


Why do I keep thinking of him.i just can't forget him...


is is still normal at 9 weeks to feel so bad


He broke it off September 2009, but I noticed something was wrong around August. It's been almost a year since the breakup.

He broke it off in September, I remained in contact for 4 month till December. January and Feb I was on NC. He contacted me in March. I remained in contact with him for all this time till last Monday, when I told him I couldn't do this anymore.

So basically, since the breakup..I was on NC for 2 months.

As long as you take time to heal, you'll get over it.I'm still longing for him because I kept in contact for so long

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He broke it off September 2009, but I noticed something was wrong around August. It's been almost a year since the breakup.

He broke it off in September, I remained in contact for 4 month till December. January and Feb I was on NC. He contacted me in March. I remained in contact with him for all this time till last Monday, when I told him I couldn't do this anymore.

So basically, since the breakup..I was on NC for 2 months.

As long as you take time to heal, you'll get over it.I'm still longing for him because I kept in contact for so long


wow well i don't have that problem.he waas NC for him straight away and me i kept trying to contact but never got anywhere.but ist all stopped now.

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wow well i don't have that problem.he waas NC for him straight away and me i kept trying to contact but never got anywhere.but ist all stopped now.


you know, that's better. It'll force you to move on.

I know the feeling, I do.

There was this guy who I was crazy over before my ex came long. He had a girlfriend, but he still flirted with me. He eventually cut me off, and stopped replying to my texts. I'm happy. It was hard at first, but him cutting me off forced me to let go. I saw him recently at a grocery store, and I just smirked and walked away. What a jerk he was.

My ex was too kind, and wouldn't let me go everytime I tried. I wished he just cut me off. I would be healed by now.


It's hard now, but you'll thank him later.

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