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Girlfriend can't make conversation?


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This isn't so much as a conflict as a long standing annoyance.


Basically, whenever me and my girlfriend go out, just the two of us, for a drink she completely dries up with conversation in about 15 minutes.


I think it's partly the alcohol, it gets to her very quickly and she just starts singing along loudly to the music, getting right up in my face doing a cheesey diva impression. I find it really awkward and boring, I keep the chat going for as long as I can but after 1h30 with you leading the entire convo it gets too draining and it lapses into silence before she starts up the singing routine.


We never have any other problems with chat or conversations, it's only when we go out to drink together. It's so pronounced and so consistent though that it actually puts me off going to the pub/a bar with her because I know it's going to be dull as hell and just a lot of hard work.


Any ideas?? Is this normal?? Honestly, it's really weird, we always have stuff to talk about until then and I really want to be able to enjoy a nice night out with my girlfriend..

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If you go out, is it necessary to drink alcohol? It surely isn't contributing to the quality of your evening/time together, so why not skip the alcohol to see how it goes? (I don't drink at all, and always have a great time).

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I know in principle you guys are right but realistically we are not going tee total on nights out to pubs and bars, I just want to know if this is a common thing people experience with their partners and if they have any tips to work around it..

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I definitely don't drink very much, and I wouldn't say she does either, it seems to happen after about 1 glaff of wine It might not even be to do with the alcohol, she might just be conversationally lazy, I don't know It really makes going on nights out with her something I don't enjoy or look forward to - it's not fun talking at someone for 3 hours..

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Could it be not only the alcohol, but the loud music? It is really hard to have a conversation when you're out and there is music playing.


Have you spoken with her about it? If you haven't, then it's really not fair to continue to stew about it without letting her in on the problem.

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Could it be not only the alcohol, but the loud music? It is really hard to have a conversation when you're out and there is music playing.


Have you spoken with her about it? If you haven't, then it's really not fair to continue to stew about it without letting her in on the problem.


Yeah the loud music definitely doesn't help, it also doesn't help that it's usually some tune she knows all the lyrics to so she pretty much just sings along.. for hours.. and hours.. lmao


I have talked to her about it, she says that she is usually a contributor in conversations and not a leader. It just annoys me because when she goes out drinking with her friends they are chatting away for ours but with me she dries up and it's just me doing all the talking.. I mean I am pretty sure she talks a lot when she's with just one friend.


But like I say we don't have this problem at any other time, which is what's so weird..


Thanks for the replies so far guys!

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Perhaps, when you go out together she doesn't want to just chat more, she wants to party up with you? She wants you to close your mouth and party up. You talk plenty at other times, why do you need to talk deeply when you are going out drinking?


And you can't compare how she is with her girlie friends to how she is with you. Because the other girls are all chitter chatter, she just joins in - works for her. But with you, she talks with you deeply all the time, when out she just wants to let her hair down. Do you need to go into deep conversation when you are out drinking with her?

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lol ok well well how long have you been together and do you take her places like walks on the beach or in the forest/ woods or things that you can talk about when you go out? becoz when she is with girl mates she will talk for hours about other girls and YOU etc why dont you try giving her something to talk about with you or just let loose and party with her.

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Or I wonder if the music has been so loud that she hasn't heard what you're saying for a long time now. Maybe it's too awkward for her to admit that she hasn't heard a single word you've said now that it's gone on so long?


Do you guys drink at other places besides the pub? If she has a glass of wine with dinner and still is able to hold a conversation together, then I don't think you can say it's alcohol.

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Perhaps, when you go out together she doesn't want to just chat more, she wants to party up with you? She wants you to close your mouth and party up. You talk plenty at other times, why do you need to talk deeply when you are going out drinking?


And you can't compare how she is with her girlie friends to how she is with you. Because the other girls are all chitter chatter, she just joins in - works for her. But with you, she talks with you deeply all the time, when out she just wants to let her hair down. Do you need to go into deep conversation when you are out drinking with her?


Nope, just normal chat.


Do you guys drink at other places besides the pub? If she has a glass of wine with dinner and still is able to hold a conversation together, then I don't think you can say it's alcohol.


Yeah that's true, I think it may not be about the alcohol tbh.

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I know in principle you guys are right but realistically we are not going tee total on nights out to pubs and bars, I just want to know if this is a common thing people experience with their partners and if they have any tips to work around it..


Its just how she is when alcohol is a factor theres nothing your going to do to change that sorry to say. Theres 2 sides to most people the normal them and the drunk them. If you don't care for the drunk her then don't bring alcohol into the picture or you can cut and but thats about it..

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