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I have not seen my long distance ex in over a year and i miss him a lot.We were suposse to see each other again for over the holidays,but his mother passed away,and i wanted to be there for him ,to go and see him but he did not want me to.Insteadd he looked for comfort with someoneelse local during those times.that hurt me so much,because even we were on the break ,he meant everything for me.

Every time i proposed moving in his town he did not consider the idea and even more stated he did not want me to do that just plain.He stated he will move down here later but he never did.

We were together for a year and i loved him more than anything,i thought he did too ,but ....he stated he no longer felt the same.That its not a break anymore ITS OVER.

After he actually told me will not come back \to the state to be closer i felt like every hope died,and i started a new relationship . I still keep in touch every now and then.....but i miss him terrible.I feel like i allways will...i want to call him,but we just text everynow and then.Have spoke to him on the phone a mont 6 weeks a go....Why do i miss him so bad ??? Advice please !

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Are you in a new relationship now? And he's in one as well? It seems that keeping in touch with him is preventing you from really moving forward. That happens a lot with break ups and since we so badly want to keep that person around, we sacrifice our own well-being/sanity/healing even if it's just for a text, short email or quick phone call. It really gets in the way of healing and moving on

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Dont know if he is in one or not.I live with my boyfriend and his parents,but my ex still lives with his dad...did not go out lately ,he states,and he los a lot of friends...dont know if he is or not...probably is...dont know.its just probably that my current boyfriend does not spend time with me much.I allways see him in the evenings.I work as well.Maybe...its the connection we have

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see with me and my ex ,was most of romance...we never lived together...or seen eachother everyday...me met online,and then 4 times after...in person...but i caan say we were talking like 2-3 hours per day...when we were together...maybe thats what it was

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