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Recs for self-help books for a newbie reader...?


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Hi. I was looking for some recommendations on some good self-help books for a beginner like me who hasn't read one before. Particularly for dealing with depression and being happy. (Is suppose their a millions of books out there on the latter subject.) Thank you.

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Codependent No More is a good book by Melody Beattie. The title suggests you're codependent on people or you control them, but the book also talks about relying on any outside circumstance for your happiness (ex I'm happy *when* I have a good job, I have money...etc.) It talks about detaching from outside circumstances/people and finding your own happiness.


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It's Only Too Late if You Don't Start Now -- Barbara Sher. Really helps put things into perspective and includes exercises and inspiration to get you out of "stuck" and into action.


A little bit of a heavier read, but very good for someone contemplating making a change in their life is: Changing for Good -- Prochaska, Norcross, DiClemente

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I haven't read it myself, but The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living - Dr Russ Harris comes well recommended.


Started reading this yesterday and it's a brilliant read so far. Seems ideally suited to my way of thinking and just what I needed. Thanks again anya

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Another one recommended to me and which I've been considering buying, is Stumbling On Happiness - Daniel Gilbert. But on reflection I suspect the jokey manner in which it's written would annoy me after a while. Still undecided.


I thought Stumbling on Happiness was great. It's not really a self-help book though, more like an analysis of happiness. Anyway, here are two good talks by the author on some of the topics he covers in the book:


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I thought Stumbling on Happiness was great. It's not really a self-help book though, more like an analysis of happiness. Anyway, here are two good talks by the author on some of the topics he covers in the book:


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Yeah, that's why this one appealed to me. Thanks very much for those links, I shall definitely check them out later when my connection is running better.

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