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the 1 year anniversary with my ex. I know, it doesn't seem like a long time, but, it was to me.


We were a long distance relationship, he was in the UK, I'm in the US. I've been in no contact with him for 2ish months, and we've been broken up for that long too. About 3-4 weeks after we split, he got a new girlfriend in his area, and is still with her.


Some part of me hoped that he would contact me today, not that I'd respond..but I dunno..just to see if he remembered our anniversary day. I guess it's stupid to think that way, I guess I'm just having a bad day today.


I was hoping after 2 months no contact I'd be over him, but it takes longer.

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My 2 year anniversary is coming in 10 days. It's such a stupid and common number too, I see it everywhere and it reminds me of her. 720.


Haha, that is exactly how I feel. 710. Damnit, are you planning on staying busy that day?

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Don't be hard on yourself two months isn't a long time for a nearly one year relationship. Anniversaries, significant dates and birthdays are always hard. It was my ex's birthday recently and that was really hard and what would have been our three year anniversary is coming up at the end of the month and I'm dreading it.


The best thing to do on these dates is to plan ahead to do something with friends and family. Something that gets you out of the house, keeps you distracted, doesn't remind you of your ex and keeps you away from your phone or internet so you don't check to see if he has called.

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Don't be hard on yourself two months isn't a long time for a nearly one year relationship. Anniversaries, significant dates and birthdays are always hard. It was my ex's birthday recently and that was really hard and what would have been our three year anniversary is coming up at the end of the month and I'm dreading it.


The best thing to do on these dates is to plan ahead to do something with friends and family. Something that gets you out of the house, keeps you distracted, doesn't remind you of your ex and keeps you away from your phone or internet so you don't check to see if he has called.


Thanks, Etoile. My ex's birthday was actually during the first month of no contact, so that was a bit hard as well, but I didn't contact him! Just have to keep staying busy, that usually helps me. Thank you.

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Haha, that is exactly how I feel. 710. Damnit, are you planning on staying busy that day?


Yes, I am. I am going to try to schedule something with my friends and just be around people to get my mind off of her. It is going to be a Tuesday for me so I'm not sure how well that will work but hopefully I can make it happen.

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my 4 yr anniverasy would of been friday the 9th.tough day at work.but came home and watched a movie with my new housemate and his GF who si a friend


its always gonna be tough.i dunno keep busy and try to think of all the bad stuff he did etc.

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