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confusing/hopeful contact from ex


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so its been a little over 4 months now since she broke up with me and we really had not been talking for awhile id say around 2 months. About 2 weeks ago she starts texting me and sounds really excited and eager to talk to me. This was very confusing and i thought about it and i said okay ill talk to her and see whats up. So now she has been texting me every couple days about random things in her life and we started talking about different things and she asks how my life is and everything i do. She mentioned some things we did together and several times has said that she will never ever forget our memories and how great our memories are together. First off why would she say this now and start being all happy and flirty talking to me after we havent talked for awhile. I dont know whether it means something or she just is being friendly im so confused yet again. Then she also said that she wants to hang out sometime and then acts flirty again by telling me if im not to busy with work or being with other girls..what the hell why is she being so flirtatious out of the blue and plus its not even like shes alone..shes on vacation right now so shes pretty distracted and busy. Sure i do still like her and i hope we can be together again someday but im keeping my guard up. What should i think of this all?

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I think you should ignore her. HOw long were you together? The pain of being with someone who's wishy washy is intense. I'm living it. I would make her prove herself, while keeping on your guard. Don't jump back into anything, unless you're sure it's got a chance of lasting. That's what I did...I bought all of her hearts and flowers and sweet talke..again and again and again..and once I was a lock..I think...she decides it's time to move on again...leaving me in the dust.

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