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What does it take to be an Entrepreneur ?

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I know most if not all of the worlds richest smart people have a very high education or were in a very popular college or university.


So besides a great education what else would you need ? or can anyone with little smarts join the worlds richest ? What do you need what does it take ?



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The original owner of Best Buy Co., Inc. did not complete college. He started his business in his garage on the side, selling 8 track radios (the kind that are no longer in existence). I believe he was given an honorary doctorate degree before he retired. He however made Best Buy the organization it became. And he did it because he loved what he was doing and was smart enough to know when to expand the business. As you know Best Buy sells much more than car radios. I was once employed with them is how I know the story.


Anyway there are other great stories of successes who didn't complete college, however they're rare and college is almost a necessity for success.

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I would start by Googleing 'entrepreneur qualities'. ;-) ...and great education by the way does not make the list.


Toke a quick look and one list and so far the one thing i can agree on is excepting failure weather your right or wrong. I always look at entrepreneurs as people who take something that hasn't been done or something and make it better.


I just wonder how how Facebook and Mypace toke off they are social networking sites there most be millions of them and those 2 are the one that i can think of the top of my head that came out of nowhere and had millions of users. Its like winning the lottery.



The original owner of Best Buy Co., Inc. did not complete college. He started his business in his garage on the side, selling 8 track radios (the kind that are no longer in existence). I believe he was given an honorary doctorate degree before he retired. He however made Best Buy the organization it became. And he did it because he loved what he was doing and was smart enough to know when to expand the business. As you know Best Buy sells much more than car radios. I was once employed with them is how I know the story.


Anyway there are other great stories of successes who didn't complete college, however they're rare and college is almost a necessity for success.


Funny you should mention best buy my parents run a janitorial company and around the area or close to we do all the best buys and future shops, a total of 6 with 2 more coming. And if any of you guys are wondering best buy owns future shop and as far as i know future shop was canadian only but they finally moved in BB.


There is something about technology that people just can get enough off. The last future shop that we cleaned was before the opening of a new store people were sleeping overnight


Now if someone was to start their own electronic store you gotta admit it would be super hard to compete with the bigger companies like best buy.


Fearlessness: No fear of failure.

Knowing when to quit: Very few people get this right.


Those are two qualities I consistently notice in successful entrepreneurs.


I agree very well with your post, also for a lot of people like myself we might give up to quickly or never understand to give up, cause we've been fed the "never ever give up" speech.


As for me my mutative is making somer serious cold money

(who's isn't right ?) But that could back fire also i would like to work for myself kinda like mark creator of FB.

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A great education tends to send you down a successful but well established and clear path.


Entrepreneurs on the other hand make their own path. So no I don't think a great education is the most important thing. Personally I think it's luck. And thick skin.

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All good entrepreneurs, aside from having capital to start off with and the guts to use it, have a keen eye towards marketing and trend forecasting. No one is perfect, but if you can reasonably anticipate a higher demand in one area, or a lucrative and cheapter market alternative to the competitors, then you stand to make a profit if your guess is right.


Make no mistake, everyone is an entrepreneur. We all take risks, and try our best to forecast. We just vary in our success.

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Rich relatives.


lol be a trust fund baby.


A great education tends to send you down a successful but well established and clear path.


Entrepreneurs on the other hand make their own path. So no I don't think a great education is the most important thing. Personally I think it's luck. And thick skin.


I do agree with your last statement i think lot of people who come these entrepreneurs find things in everyday life wether it be work or a hubby take something create something new or upgrade something and make it better.


All good entrepreneurs, aside from having capital to start off with and the guts to use it, have a keen eye towards marketing and trend forecasting. No one is perfect, but if you can reasonably anticipate a higher demand in one area, or a lucrative and cheapter market alternative to the competitors, then you stand to make a profit if your guess is right.


Make no mistake, everyone is an entrepreneur. We all take risks, and try our best to forecast. We just vary in our success.


I agree with you on that.

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